Please visit the catalog archive for details about 2022-23 degrees and programs.

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Homeland Security, Minor


The Minor in Homeland Security is an interdisciplinary learning opportunity for fostering the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with public and private positions relating to homeland security. The program is structured for students across different academic disciplines desiring a richer understanding, as well as an academic credential, specific to homeland security. The purpose of the minor is to broaden the learner’s understanding of homeland security so as to complement their chosen field of study such as criminal justice, emergency management, emergency services,and national security studies or take a combination of classes in any or all of the four areas. Those choosing to pursue this minor will grow in their critical thinking and decision-making skillset. In addition, the program hones the learner’s ability to communicate through the written word, function and produce deliverables within a virtual/remote environment, discover pertinent usable intelligence within large amounts of data, and gist information for building succinct briefings..

Total Program Credits: 18

Matriculation Requirements:  
  1. Admitted to a bachelor degree program at UVU.
Core Requirements: 6 Credits 
  ESMG 310G Introduction to Homeland Security GI 3
  ESMG 3710 Comparative Approaches to Homeland Security 3
Choose four (4) courses from the following electives: (at least 3 credits must be upper-division) 12
  CJ 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice SS  
  CJ 2110 Security Management and Loss Prevention  
  CJ 3340 Terrorism and the Criminal Justice System  
  CJ 3400 Drugs and Crime  
  ES 1150 Introduction to Emergency and Disaster Management SS  
  ES 2130 Terrorism and the Emergency Services  
  ESMG 3400 Critical Infrastructure Protection  
  ESMG 4150 Humanitarian Services and Disaster Relief  
  EMSG 4200 Public Information and Disasters  
  ESMG 425G Humanitarian Management and Operations GI  
  ESMG 4550 Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response  
  NSS 2010 Introduction to National Security WE  
  NSS 3050 US Intelligence Community  
  NSS 4300 Intelligence Cycle and Collections  
  NSS 4400 Statecraft and Strategy  


Graduation Plan

This graduation plan is a sample plan and is intended to be a guide. Your specific plan may differ based on your Math and English placement and/or transfer credits applied. You are encouraged to meet with an advisor and set up an individualized graduation plan in Wolverine Track

Semester 1 Course Title Credit Hours
ESMG 310G Introduction to Homeland Security GI 3
Elective 6
  Semester total: 9
Semester 2 Course Title Credit Hours
ESMG 3710 Comparative Approaches to Homeland Security 3
Elective 6
  Semester total: 9
  Degree total: 18


Emergency Services

The Emergency Services department is in the College of Health and Public Services. To find the most up-to-date information, including Program Learning Outcomes for degree programs offered by the Emergency Services department, visit their website.

Emergency Services department

Program Details

Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Students will demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in homeland security. (Applies to ELO #1 Discipline-appropriate experiences and ELO #4 Professional competence.)
  2. Students will use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and problem solving in making ethical and good decisions in the fields of homeland security. (Applies to ELO #2 Intellectual and practical skills and ELO #3 Ethical reasoning and understanding.)
  3. Students will recognize, understand, and respect the complexity of socio-cultural and international diversity and apply this knowledge to homeland security. (Applies to ELO #5 Stewardship of local, national and global communities and ELO #6 Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural.)
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