Why Join the Honors Program?

Honors Students on natural bridge in Capitol Reef NP

“There are countless ways that being in the Honors Program made my college experience more fun, rewarding, easier to endure, and I think put me on a better path to make sure I got the most out of my degree and put my goals at the forefront of my learning. There were some extra things to do, but I don't feel like it was extra work—it was necessary work for my own benefit.”               --McKinli Grover, Honors Student

The Honors Program provides opportunities for motivated students seeking to get the most out of their university experience. We admit and support students from all backgrounds seeking face-to-face baccalaureate or associates degrees.

Honors Offers:

  • A powerful first-year experience
  • Sustained peer-group  interactions
  • Smaller classes with outstanding faculty
  • Experiential learning
  • Sponsored  cultural events
  • Outdoor excursions
  • Dynamic social gatherings

How to Apply

Writing Prompts

  • Please complete the application essay by choosing from the prompts below.
  • Please have your completed application essay in PDF format only.
  • Please log into your myUVU Account prior to clicking the "Application Form" button.
  • The writing prompts are only for new enrollment to Honors. Current Honors students do not use these prompts.
  • If you have questions about using our online application, please telephone 801-863-6262 for assistance.


Applicants must prepare an essay as directed on the Writing Prompts page, then click the Application Form button below. Applicants will be prompted to indicate the desired award type.

The application process occurs through UVU’s Campus Groups. NOTE: You do not need to "Request Membership" to apply, but you must have a UVU ID number.

Please have ready your prepared admission essay and if applicable your high school transcripts, ACT/SAT scores, and college transcripts. Please also prepare a list of your notable activities, accomplishments, and awards.

Admission Application Form for Spring 2025 Opens September 9

Honors Awards, New Students

During the application process, there will be an option to apply for scholarships. Program admission is competitive and many students participate without receiving a financial award. The Honors Program award types are:

  • Program admission (Available to any UVU student in any major attending at main campus both part-time and full-time, regardless of residency)
  • Tuition (Dollar amount in increments of $500 up to $1250, renewable for up to eight semesters)
  • Housing (Available for single students only; renewable for up to two years) Honors Awards, Continuing Student Honors Awards, New Students

Honors Awards, Continuing Students

Current Honors Program students in good standing can apply for Tuition and/or Housing awards at any time during their studies. Eligibility requirements are:

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50
  • Students are awarded based on their prior academic performance, progress in the Honors Program, as well as an application essay
  • 2025 Honors Admissions Essay Prompt for Current Students Seeking New or Additional Scholarship Support

  • Choose ONE essay option below:

    • A. Design your own Honors Colloquium course exploring a fascinating, complex, or crucial topic or theme that is important to you and would interest other college students. 
      • Provide a brief (2 - 3 sentence) description of the class theme and activities for the website. 
      • Describe the learning outcomes for enrolled students, highlighting the personal and academic benefits of the course. Aim for 3-4 learning outcomes of about 50 words each.
      • Propose one course assignment (discussion topic, essay topic, community engagement project, final project parameters, etc.) that also connects the students taking the class with at least one campus resource, faculty member, or organization to enhance their learning experience.


    • B. If you had 5 minutes and the attention of a million people, what problem in your neighborhood, town or state would your TEDx Talk be about?
      • Compose a 4-5 minute talk.
      • The talk must feature specific methods of solving the problem you identify.
      • The problem must be one that’s relatively local in scope, so no national or international issues, please.
      • Submit a video of you giving the talk (YouTube links only)

Current Honors Student Award Application Opens September 9

Headshot of Wilson the Wolverine

Questions? Ask Wilson