What is a Catalyst?

A catalyst is someone who precipitates fundamental and transformational change in the educational experience, through the model of learning, engaging, and achieving. These are the “crazy ones” who recognize the problems of our society and are bold enough to find solutions. Our catalysts are experienced in Design and Systems Thinking. They work in agile, interdisciplinary teams to learn from failures as they recognize problems and create impactful solutions.

Student Catalysts

Student Catalysts

The catalysts are a student-run program that is focused on uniting innovative efforts across campus, community, and industry. Their responsibilities include precipitating change in areas of influence, coordinating and connecting innovation efforts across campus and throughout the community, acting as innovation liaisons to the schools and centers on campus, recruiting new students to the program, facilitating workshops, connecting students, professors, and professionals to the right projects, and staffing the future Center for Excellence & Innovation.


Tori Hooper
Tori Hooper

Tori Hooper

Major(s): Exercise Science and Biology 

Year: Junior

Quote: "I've always lived my life by the quote, 'attitude is everything'. Even in the worst situations, you get to choose your attitude."

Projects: Center for Excellence and Innovation, Innovation Web Creation, Tandem Application


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Andrew Jensen
Andrew Jensen
Andrew Jensen

Andrew Jensen 

Major(s): National Security Studies and Computer Science  

Year: Junior

Quote:  "The only way to discover the limits of what is possible is to go beyond them into the impossible" -Arthur C. Clarke

Projects: UVSolar, Tandem Application, Innovation Grants & Competitions


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Kadee Jones
Kadee Jo Jones
Kadee Jones

Kadee Jo Jones

Major(s): Communication with an emphasis in Journalism 

Year: Junior

Quote: "Act as if what you do makes a difference, it does." 

Projects: Communication Strategy Plan, Tandem Application


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Nicholas Omori
Nicholas Omori
Nicholas Omori

Nicholas Omori


Major(s): Business Management
Minor(s): Marketing
Year: Junior
Quote: "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education." Martin Luther King Jr.
Projects: Innovation Certificate/Curriculum Development
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Elijah Allred
Elijah Allred
Elijah Allred

Elijah Allred

Major(s): Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations

Minor(s): Business Management

Year: Senior

Quote: "The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place." - George Bernard Shaw 


Projects: UVSolar, Innovation Grants & Competitions, Research 


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Taylor Bell
Taylor Bell
Taylor Bell

Taylor Bell

Major(s):  Business Management

Year: Junior

Quote: "Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly." - Plutarch

Projects: Tandem Application and Marketing 


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Nathan Martinson
Nathan Martinson
Nathan Martinson

Nathan Martinson 

Major(s): Pre-Engineering

Quote: "We live in deeds not years, in thoughts not breaths, in feelings not figures on a dial and we really should count time by heartthrobs" - Author Unknown

Projects: Den Taskforce, Innovation Certificate, LEAD Talks



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Ashley Belnap
Ashley Belnap
Ashley Belnap

Ashley Belnap

Major(s): Early Childhood Education

Year: Freshman

Quote: "The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." - Plutarch

Projects: Recruitment


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Clayton Rawson
Clayton Rawson
Clayton Rawson

Clayton Rawson

Major(s): Education

Year: Sophomore

Quote: "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest" - Benjamin Franklin

Projects: Recruitment, Education Pods 


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Caleb Moore
Caleb Moore
Crystal Sedano

Caleb Moore

Major(s): Education

Year: Junior

Quote: "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

Projects: Recruitment, Education Pods, Project Match


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Faculty Catalysts

Faculty Catalysts

Faculty Catalysts are responsible for being representatives of innovation for their respective departments and divisions. They work with students and industry members to foster creativity, project creation, and team development as subject experts. They are guides that work alongside their students to implement engaged learning inside and outside of the classroom.


Corporate Catalysts

Corporate Catalysts

Corporate Catalysts are vital partners in connecting students and faculty to local, national, and global resources and projects. Together, we form a symbiotic relationship that focuses on finding experienced talent for industry partners, and providing resources and experience for students. Corporate Catalysts help provide seed funding for student-run projects, provide facilities and employee mentoring and insight, and bring substantive and meaningful problems for students to solve. Corporate Catalysts also participate in course creation and development at UVU.