COVID-19 Update: Grading Instructions, Summer Classes


Attention: For the latest coronavirus summary, go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

For the latest from UVU on the coronavirus, go to the UVU Safety coronavirus website. For UVU’s full plan, click here.

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There are two important announcements today. The following changes were made after careful consideration of their impact on our campus community and you personally. Please reach out to your advisors with any questions you may have.

Spring 2020 Grading Options

With a commitment to exceptional care for our students during these extraordinary times, UVU is preparing to offer students the option on a class-by-class basis to receive credit or no credit in lieu of a traditional letter grade for spring 2020 classes that were converted to online or had other significant changes in course delivery or experience. Before choosing credit or no credit, it is imperative that students fully understand the potential negative consequences, which can be different based on major and other factors. Each student will receive an email from their college or school giving specific considerations for their students.

Letter grades will still be available for all students who want it.

Later this week, each student will receive an additional email directing them to a website about spring 2020 grading that details each option; students must review and agree to understanding the consequences before they can proceed with a grade change option. It is imperative that students thoroughly evaluate their own situation to be sure the decision minimizes the potential negative consequences.

Summer Courses 2020

Utah Valley University is moving all credit-bearing summer semester courses to a remote delivery model. This decision was made out of respect for students and faculty who need time to prepare and plan in an ever-changing environment. Limited face-to-face offerings of specialized courses and condensed delivery may occur in the second block of summer 2020. A decision on those courses will be made after May 1.

We understand these announcements may present challenges for some. Faculty are working to ensure students can stay on track with their academic plans. Faculty are also working on additional course listings that may include condensed courses (one week, etc.) as circumstances allow. Please regularly check for those options, and contact your advisor for detailed guidance.

Federal financial aid may have changed due to the pandemic. Please check with the Financial Aid Office if you have any questions.

All other university-related summer activities during May have been cancelled or postponed.

All academic international travel — including study abroad, internships, exchanges, etc. — has been cancelled until the end of the first block of summer 2020, June 26. International travel for all employees is cancelled until May 1.

This is a time of rapid change, and we understand it may be unsettling. While many things have changed regarding schedules and how you are receiving your education, one thing has not changed — our commitment to your academic success. Do not delay your bright future, persist, and complete your courses. The support you need to achieve your educational goals is here for you at UVU.