About Our Program

The Family Wellness model was developed in 1980 as a parenting, marriage, and relationship model and continues to be taught throughout the United States and around the world. It draws its framework from Family Systems theorists and how humans develop through improved personal and interpersonal functioning. Family Wellness is a psycho-educational program with over 1 million participants. Formal and informal data indicates that the Family Wellness model is an effective prevention and rehabilitation model with application and adaptation to our setting.

The overwhelming preponderance of research conducted on the Family Wellness model has found that significant positive changes occur as the direct effect of attending classes using this model. This improvement is reflected across racial/cultural, socioeconomic, and geographic regions. A example of this was found in the report "Empowering Families: Implementation of an integrated HMRE, employment, and financial literacy program for low-income couples" (D'Angelo & Bondelos, 2020).

The curriculum used for the weekly classes in the Stronger Families Project is based on the Family Wellness model, organized into lessons called, “Survival Skills for Healthy Families.” Authors are Certified Family Life Educators Ana Morante, Erin Simile, Jason Duckworth, Michelle Hernandez, Mike Simile, and Nathan Cottle. UVU Family Science students have completed training in the “Survival Skills” course and become certified to teach the curriculum.