Executive Council

The UVUSA Executive Council are elected by you to serve you. Our job is to advocate for and help you to receive the best college experience possible. We work together to meet our goals, improve the student experience, and listen to student needs across campus.

Our Vision

We are here to serve you! We want every Wolverine on campus to find their place on campus according to what they want by providing opportunities and resources to fit every need.

2024-25 Student Leaders

Portrait of Mimi Barney

Mimi Barney

UVU Student Body President


Mimi Barney

Acting Vice President of Connection


Portrait of Kyle Cullimore

Kyle Cullimore

Vice President of Student Activities

Executing new events for students to attend and increase the event offerings to appeal to the wide demographic of students that attend UVU, so that you can look back with amazing memories. Working to increase school spirit and pride within all students here at UVU.

Portrait of Ian Gotcher

Ian Gotcher

Vice President of Academics

Striving to make sure every student has access to a top-tier education by advocating for more online classes as well as improving SRIs. Continuing to push faculty to refrain from assigning homework during breaks.

Portrait of Macy Robbins

Macy Robbins

Executive Assistant

Organizing cross branch collaboration more effectively, keeping track of all events happening throughout council, and developing new ways to help unify the efforts of council.



2024 - 2025 Executive Council Goals

  1. Help at least 500 students register to vote
  2. Implement a homework policy
  3. Intentionally seek out and apply student feedback

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Election Information

Students voting in an UVUSA election
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