Adapted from How to Get Good Grades in College by Linda O'Brien
Adapted from How to Get Good Grades in College by Linda O'Brien
Know when to take a break. Get up, stretch, walk around, etc. This might look different for everyone - some people may work for 25-minute spurts wih 5-minute breaks. Others might do well working for 60-minute spurts with 10-minute breaks. Figure out what works for you!
To avoid internal distractions: Keep a to-do list nearby and record any reminders to yourself or worries that may distract you while you are studying (e.g., buy toilet paper, call mom, feed the dog). Dump them out of your brain so you can clear your mind for studying.
Use a concentration score sheet. Each time you find your mind wandering, make a check mark on the sheet. Within just a few study sessions, you should find that you have far fewer check marks and far greater concentration.