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Educational Leadership, Graduate Certificate


The Graduate Certificate for Educational Leadership in UVU’s School of Education (SOE) is designed to align with the current Ed Leadership emphasis in the M.Ed. The certificate will meet the needs of candidates who have previously completed a master’s degree (M.Ed) and now wish to prepare as potential administrative and instructional school leaders for Utah’s schools. Curriculum for this option will be based on the standards for administrative/supervisory endorsement from the Utah State Office of Education (USOE), and the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC). The grad certificate program will be formatted to meet the needs of adult learners, with courses offered in the evenings and in blended and online formats, but will not require them to retake core courses previously completed. The administrative/supervisory certificate will prepare leaders for 21st century schools in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and human resource administration. Course objectives will emphasize performance of school and classroom leadership functions, functional knowledge of local, state, and national educational agencies and regulations, demonstrated competencies in administrative skills, and applied understandings of current research around effective teaching, theories of learning, and educational policy. Candidates will be required to complete supervised internship work that is required by Utah code.

Total Program Credits: 21

Matriculation Requirements:

Earned M.Ed. and acceptance into the program. 

Discipline Core Requirements: 21 Credits
EDLE 6120 Personal Leadership and Organizational Design 3
EDLE 6130 School Operations and Management-Finance/Law/Safety 3
EDLE 6140 Instructional Leadership 3
EDLE 6150 School Operations and Management-Communication/Planning/HR/Evaluation 3
EDLE 6160 Developing Positive School and Community Culture 3
EDLE 6170 Leading Change/Innovation/Educational Entrepreneurship 3
EDLE 696R Clinical Portfolio 3

  Graduation Requirements:

  1. Residency hours -- all courses must be taken at UVU.
  2. Satisfactory completion of all coursework with a minimum overall 3.0 GPA.
  3. All courses passed with a B- or higher.
  4. Pass state required licensing exam.

Graduation Plan

This graduation plan is a sample plan and is intended to be a guide. Your specific plan may differ based on your Math and English placement and/or transfer credits applied. You are encouraged to meet with an advisor and set up an individualized graduation plan in Wolverine Track

Semester 1 Course Title Credit Hours
EDLE 6120 Personal Leadership and Organizational Design 3
EDLE 6170 Leading Change/Innovation/Educational Entrepreneurship 3
EDLE 696R Clinical Portfolio 1
  Semester total: 7
Semester 2 Course Title Credit Hours
EDLE 6130 School Operations and Management - Finance/Law/Safety   3
EDLE 6140 Instructional Leadership 3
EDLE 696R Clinical Portfolio 1
  Semester total: 7
Semester 3 Course Title Credit Hours
EDLE 6150 School Operations and Management-Communication/Planning/HR/Evaluation 3
EDLE 6160 Developing Positive School and Community Culture 3
EDLE 696R Clinical Portfolio 1
  Semester total: 7
  Degree total: 21


Education Graduate Programs

The Education Graduate Programs are in the School of Education. To find the most up-to-date information, including Program Learning Outcomes for the Education Graduate Programs, visit their website.

Education Graduate Programs

Program Details

Program Learning Outcomes
  1. Demonstrate competency in the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a shared vision for education.
  2. Demonstrate competency in supporting teaching and learning by facilitating coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
  3. Demonstrate competency in managing school operations and resources.
  4. Demonstrate competency in engaging families and the community in order to create an inclusive, caring, safe, and supportive school environment.
  5. Demonstrate competency in acting ethically and professionally in leadership, and honoring the heritage and background of each student, promoting the equity of educational opportunity for all students.
  6. Demonstrate competency to act as agents of continuous improvement and foster a professional community of teachers and staff to promote each student's academic success and well-being.

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