Computer Science

Bachelors of Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science spans the range from theory through programming to cutting-edge development of computing solutions. Computer Scientists master the theory and practice of computing, and explore new and exciting ways to use computers.


As of Fall 2024: CS 4490 is No Longer Required

Also Fall 2024:  CS 1420 Entrance Exam Waived




BS in Computational Data Science

Bachelor of Science in Computational Data Science

Utah Valley University students with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computational Data Science will have demonstrated mastery of all aspects of data science, theoretical and applied. Combining elements of mathematics, statistics, and computer science, students will be trained to wrangle, clean, explore, pre process, model, validate, and tell the story of large, complex, modern, and novel data sets.   

BS in Computational Data Science Degree Planner 2021-2022

BS in Computational Data Science Flow Chart 2021-2022

BS in Computational Data Science Degree Planner 2022-2023

BS in Computational Data Science Flow Chart 2022-2023

BS in Computational Data Science Flow Chart 2023-2024

BS in Computational Data Science Degree Planner 2024-2025

Program Learning Outcomes





BAS in Software Development

Software developers work under the supervision of software engineers or computer scientists to develop software. They implement software designs, and may have a limited role in their design. They participate in innovative software development processes such as Agile and Scrum software development as team members. Opportunities for advancement and leadership roles are possible, but limited.


AAS in Computer Science, Computing & Networking


AS in Computer Science

Associate of Science in Computer Science

The CS Associate degree is a transfer degree used when a student is contemplating changing schools. Because it includes all general education classes, attempting to earn this degree four semesters will necessarily lengthen the time to earn a BS degree.

AS in Computer Science Degree Planner 2019-2020

AS in Computer Science Degree Planner 2020-2021

AS in Computer Science Degree Planner 2021-2022

AS in Computer Science Degree Planner 2022-2023

AS in Computer Science Degree Planner 2023-2024

AS in Computer Science Degree Planner 2024-2025

AS in Computer Science, UVU Catalog

Program Learning Outcomes


Minor in Computer Science

Minor in Computer Science

The program provides the student with entry level programming instruction, and an overview of some portions of the program.

Minor in Computer Science Degree Planner

Minor in Computer Science, UVU Catalog

Program Learning Outcomes

Integrated Studies, Computer Science

Integrated Studies, Computer Science Emphasis

The individualized nature of the Integrated Studies degree is attractive to students with multiple interests. Students integrate course work in emphases such as biology, earth science, business, health, literature, languages, communication, philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and the arts. Emphases from computer science and information systems, accounting, technology management, and physical education are also offered as part of this degree.

Integrated Studies Degree Planner

Integrated Studies, UVU Catalog

 Program Learning Outcomes


Certificate Programmer

Programmer, Certificate of Completion

The program introduces the students to basic, entry level programming.

Certificate Programmer Program Planner

Certificate Programmer, UVU Catalog

Program Learning Outcomes