Utah Valley University is committed to ethics education across the curriculum. The core mission of the the Center for the Study of Ethics is to assist students and faculty to engage critical questions in public, professional, and personal life. These resources are assembled as a starting-point for exploring ethics in a variety of disciplines.

General Resources

Ethics Across the Curriculum: Pedagogical Perspectives
Elaine E. Englehardt & Michael S. Pritchard
(Springer, 2019)

Ethics Across the Curriculum: A Practice Based Approach 
Michael Boylan & James A. Donahue
(Rowman & Littlefield, 2003)

Teaching Ethics: The Journal of the Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum
Stephen Satris & Edyta Kuzian, eds.  
(Philosophy Documentation Center)

"Five Kinds of Ethics Across the Curriculum: An Introduction to Four Experiments with One Kind"
Michael Davis, Illinois Institute of Technology
(Teaching Ethics, 2004)

"Ethics Across the Curriculum: Detecting and Describing Emergent Trends in Ethics Education"
David Kidd, et al. 
(Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2020)