Delegates from Uganda will be at Utah Valley University Sept. 4-7 in hopes of developing a university partnership to share knowledge and mutual initiatives to strengthen educational and research goals of the institutions.
The delegation, from the Buganda kingdom of Uganda, is made up of Fred Masagazi Masaazi, the kingdom’s minister of education and sport; Isaac M. Kigongo-Bukenya, director of library and information science at Makerere University, Uganda’s largest and most prestigious university, and Buwule Musoke Henry, a senior lecturer from Muteesa 1 Royal University, established in 2007 to provide dynamic curriculum choices and cultural diversity.
“Over the last century Uganda has seen an abundance of internal and regional conflict. As educators, the members of this delegation have a particularly important role in deterring conflict through teaching mutual understanding and shared values to the next generation of Ugandans,” said Rusty Butler, UVU International Affairs & Diplomacy associate vice president. “We are honored to host these distinguished guests and look forward to learning from their expertise in the areas of education and government.”
“Being a Muganda by tribe who loves the Buganda kingdom and supports its education and health programs, I felt the only way to show my appreciation was to initiate and to be a bridge in enhancing Utah Valley University’s relationship with Muteesa 1 Royal University,” said David Ssejinja, of UVU’s Center for Multicultural Student Services. “UVU has many wonderful programs, great faculty and willing students who are academically prepared to share educational experiences with students in Uganda.”
The delegation will tour many university departments including computer science, digital media and nursing. Delegates will give several lectures on campus and will also be meeting with businesses and educational leaders in Utah. For more information, contact Ssejinja at 801-863-6751.
The visit is being co-hosted by UVU’s Office of International Affairs & Diplomacy and the Center for Multicultural Student Services.
Click here to learn more about the delegates and the Kingdom of Buganda.
Dr. Fred Masagazi Masaazi
With Lt. Governor Greg Bell
The Minister & delegates meet with UVU faculty, administrators, & collaborates with Utah business leaders