Events: Office for Global Engagement


global Spotlight Dignitary Visits Diplomatic Conference UVU and the United Nations
Global Events Calendar       
July 2024   August 2024

Jul 29 - Aug 2 - Clarke Building, Annual Utah Dual Language Immersion Institute (AUDII)


Aug 8 - Global Community Advisory Board meeting - SC 213c, 12:00pm

Aug 16 - Global Student Leadership Council Retreat - LA 210, 9:00am - 1:00pm

Aug 21 - Global Student Leadership Council meeting - LA 210, 12:00pm

Aug 26 - International Faculty/Staff Opening Social - Center Stage, 4:00pm - 6:00pm

September 2024      October 2024

Sept 2 - Labor Day, office closed

Sept 4 - Global Student Leadership Council meeting - 12:00pm

Sept 10 - International Faculty/Staff Networking - LA 210, 1:00pm

Sept 11 - Really Really Free Market - SB Atrium, 10:00am - 4:00pm

Sept 12 - Hispanic Trade Conference - UVU Grand Ballroom, time TBC *event in Spanish and English

Sept 18 - Global Student Leadership Council meeting  - 12:00pm

Sept 21 - UN International Day of Peace - TBD


Oct 2 - Global Student Leadership Council meeting - 12:00pm

Oct 9 - Really Really Free Market - SB Atrium, 10:00am - 4:00pm

Oct 16 - Global Student Leadership Council meeting - 12:00pm

Oct 17 - International Faculty/Staff Networking - LA 210, 2:30pm

Oct 17-18 - Student Fall Break

Oct 25 - 26 - Ukrainian Textile Art Display - Center Stage, time TBC


November 2024      December 2024

Nov 6 - Global Student Leadership Council meeting - 12:00pm

Nov 13 - International Faculty/Staff Networking - LA 210, 1:00pm

Nov 20 - Really Really Free Market - SB Atrium, 10:00am - 4:00pm

Nov 20 - Global Student Leadership Council meeting - 12:00pm

Nov 28-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday, office closed


Dec 3 - International Faculty/Staff Networking  - LA 210, 2:00pm

Dec 4 - Global Student Leadership Council meeting - 12:00pm




PAST Global events calendar - click to open

Spring 2024 events calendar

Global Events Calendar       
January 2024   February 2024

Jan 12 - Global Spotlight: Slavic Old New Year - 6:00pm - 8:00pm - UVU Sorensen Center, Center Stage

Jan 17 - Really, Really Free Market - 10:00am - 4:00pm - SB Atrium

Jan 17 - International Faculty/Staff Networking - 2:00pm - LA 210b

Jan 25 - Global Spotlight: Japanese New Year Celebration - 9:00am - 2:00pm (reoccurring activities throughout the day) - CB 511

Jan 29 - Global Spotlight: Russian Language Jobs - 12:00pm - CB 204


Feb 3 - High School Model UN - 9:30am - 3:30pm - Clarke Building

Feb 9 - Global Spotlight: Chinese New Year - 6-9:00pm - Grand Ballroom

Feb 20 - International Faculty/Staff Networking - 1:00pm - LA210b

Feb 21 - Really, Really Free Market - 10:00am - 4:00pm - SB Atrium

Feb 21 - Global Spotlight: Mother Language Day - 1-2:30pm - Ragan Theater

Feb 23 - Autism Conference - Global Keynote Dr. Eduardo Canal "Identifying Signs of Risk in the Early Development of Autism: Current Challenges and New Research Proposals in Europe" - 2:00pm - Center Stage 

March 2024      April 2024

Mar 8 - International Women's Day Panel, 11:00am - 12:15pm - SC213ab

Mar 20 - International Faculty/Staff Networking (Nowruz celebration) - 2:30pm - LA 210b

Mar 20 - Really, Really Free Market - 10:00am - 4:00pm - SB Atrium

Mar 28 - Academic Freedom Symposium, Keynote: Lily Gray, Sr. Liason Officer for UNESCO - 11:00am  - 12:30pm - UVU Sorensen Center, Center Stage


Apr 5 - Consul General of Peru, Czibor Chicata-Sutmoller - campus visit

Apr 9 - Gentrification, Homlessness and Poverty - 2pm - Roots of Knowledge

Apr 11 - International Faculty/Staff Networking - 11:00am - LA 210b

Apr 17 - Really, Really Free Market - 10:00am - 4:00pm - SB Atrium

Apr 17 - Greek Architectual Engineering, Dr. Ganiatsas - 6:00pm-7:00pm - FL 428

Apr  23 - Global Spotlight Fellows and Global Leadership Program - Recognition Luncheon - by invitation

May 2024      June 2024

May 15 - Really, Really Free Market - 10:00am - 4:00pm - SB Atrium





fall 2023 events calendar

Global Events Calendar       
August 2023   September 2023

Aug 22 - Global Leadership Program Meeting 

Aug 25 - International Faculty/Staff Social - 4:30pm - SC Center Stage

Aug 30 - Really Really Free Market - 10:00am - 3:00pm - SB Atrium

Aug 31 - UN International Day of African Descent - 6-9pm - Courtyard



Sept 5 - Global Leadership Program Meeting

Sept 13 - United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Roots of Knowledge, Bingham Gallery

Sept 20 - Really Really Free Market - 10:00am - 3:00pm - SB Atrium

Sept 20 - International Faculty/Staff Networking - 10:00am - 11:00am - LA 210B

Sept 20 - UN International Day of Peace - Felipe Quiepo, UN Dept of Global Communication - 1:00pm - 2:15pm - LA 232

Sept 21 - Ethics Awareness Week - Felipe Quiepo, UN Dept of Global Communication - A Quest for a Global Civil Society - 10:00am - 11:15am - CB 511

Sept 22 - Dual Language Immersion Prinicpals  Advisory Board Meeting

Sept 29 - Global Spotlight: Kyrgys Republic-Utah IT Forum with  Ambassador Baktybek Amanbaev - 12pm - Lakeview (FL 428)

October 2023      November 2023

Oct 3 - Global Leadership Program Meeting

Oct 11 - Really Really Free Market - 10:00am - 3:00pm - SB Atrium

Oct 12 - Global Spotlight: Utah's Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Juan Pascua, Executive Director - 10am - FL 421 *in Spanish

Oct 17 - Fulbright Scholars Info Session - 8:30am - 9:30am - LA 210

Oct 24 - Global Community Advisory Board Meeting

Oct 24 - United Nations Day (tabling LA Concourse)

Oct 24 - World Polio Day with UVU Rotaract - 2:30pm - 3:30pm - Roots of Knowledge, Bingham Gallery

Oct 26 - International Faculty/Staff Networking - 2:00pm - 3:00pm - LA 210B



Nov 1 - Really Really Free Market - 10:00am - 3:00pm - SB Atrium

Nov 1 - Global Spotlight: Rescuing Children in Uganda from Human Trafficking with Peter Sewakiryanga, Kyampisi Childcare Ministeries - 1:00pm - 2:15pm - CB 416

Nov 7 - Global Leadership Program Meeting

Nov 14 - Global Spotlight: France and Human Rights with Anne Lair, Hon. Consul of France in Utah - 10:00am - CB 101c *in French

Nov 14 - International Faculty/Staff Networking - 1:00pm - 2:00pm - LA 210B

Nov 15 - Dr. Sari Kojkander, Counselor for Science and Higher Ed. for the Consulate General of Finland, Los Angeles, "Finland and Higher Education" - 4:00pm - ME 101c

Nov 28 - Ukrainian Culture Night - 6:30pm - 8:30pm - CB 510-511

December 2023       

Dec 5 - Global Leadership Program Meeting

Dec 5 - Permanent Representative from the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN, Ambassador Aida Kasymalieva for International Mountain Day - 11:30am - 12:45pm - LA 114

Dec 6 - Really Really Free Market - 10:00am - 3:00pm - SB Atrium

Dec 6 - 75th Declaration of Human Rights Celebration - SB Atrium



Spring 2023 Events Calendar

Global Events Calendar       
January 2023   February 2023


March 2023      April 2023




May 2023       




Previous Events

2023 Academic Freedom Symposium 75th Universal Declaration of Human Rights 2023 Hnos Ayar 2022 WIM Conference Inti Raymi Utah 2022 2019 Civil Society Conference
2018 UVU NGO Conference Utah-Japan Collaboration Pacific Alliance CSW 62 Dual Language Immersion Fair Really Really Free Market