COVID-19 facts and general info

If I'm exposed to COVID-19, what should I do?

Exposure occurs when you have been in close contact (within 6 feet for longer than 15 minutes) with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Watch for symptoms until 14 days after exposure. If you have symptoms, immediately self-isolate and contact your local public health authority or healthcare provider. Wear a mask, stay at least 6 feet from others, wash your hands, avoid crowds, and take other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

What is the definition of a “close contact” or “significant exposure?” 

Being within six feet for longer than 15 minutes with or without a mask to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has COVID-19-like symptoms.

What does it mean to quarantine?

Quarantine is used to keep someone who may have been exposed to COVD-19 away from others. It helps prevent the spread of the virus before they experience symptoms and know they are ill. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow the directions from state and local health departments.

When should I get tested if I am in quarantine but do not have symptoms?

CDC guidelines recommend testing after day five.

If I get sick with COVID-19-like symptoms, what should I do?

Stay home, do NOT go out and about, stay away from people, and isolate yourself in a room. Clean any common areas that you must use (e.g., kitchens, bathrooms, etc.). Check in with a healthcare provider and make an appointment to get a free test at UVU.

Does UVU require that I test negative to return to work?

No. UVU does require that you complete the Returning to Work After Illness or Exposure Form before you return to work.

Is there a form I should fill out when I am exposed or sick?

Yes, there is a COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form for Illness or Exposure.  This form alerts the university you have been exposed or are ill.  This is critical information as the university then conducts contact tracing (assisting the health department) — this means we are able to contact anyone on campus who may have been exposed.

What is the isolation period if I get sick with COVID-19 or COVID-19-like symptoms? 

Starting on the day when symptoms begin, 10 days and 24 hours of no fever (cannot be taking any fever-reducing medications) and improvement of symptoms.

What is the quarantine period if I am exposed?

14 days. It takes 2-14 days for the virus to show symptoms.

Will I have my temperature taken before reporting back to campus?

Employees who are in positions that put others at risk (e.g., health clinic, food services, etc.) will have their temperatures taken by qualified nursing students.

What if I test positive for COVID-19?

What if I test positive but have no symptoms?

Stay home for 10 days starting from the day of the test. After that, complete the Returning to Work after Illness or Exposure Form to return to work.

What happens when someone at UVU tests positive for COVID-19?

 If you utilize UVU COVID-19 testing services, you will receive results with a few hours. If the test comes back positive, you will be asked to complete the self-reporting form that will alert the UVU contact tracing team to contact you. They will help guide you through the isolation period and answer any questions you may have. If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, you may also want to contact your healthcare professional.

What is the difference between quarantine and isolation?

Isolation separates people who have tested positive for COVID-19 from people who are not sick. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who have been exposed to the disease but who do not have symptoms or a diagnosis. It is a monitoring period to see if they become ill.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

CDC states the following as symptoms

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

What if I only have intestinal issues?

Because of the pandemic, we suggest you check in with a health care provider and follow their advice.

How do I decrease my chances of getting COVID-19?

Evidence has changed over the course of this pandemic, but today we know that the tried-and-true infection control measures absolutely work. Stay away from large gatherings, wear a mask when in public or common areas shared by others, keep your distance (six feet at least), wash your hands, and don’t touch your face. These precautions cannot be overstated.

What if my symptoms are not very bad? Do I really need to stay home from school or work?

Yes, in this environment especially. There is a risk of spreading the virus to others inadvertently. The virus looks different on each person it encounters. Some people have only slight symptoms, while others get very ill and at times need to be hospitalized.

When am I contagious?  When am I more likely to pass the virus to another person?

This answer changes as the evidence becomes clearer —currently, studies suggest the most contagious timeframes are one day before you begin to show symptoms and the first few days when the symptoms are the worst. After that, it decreases quickly.

What does contact tracing mean?  Why should I care about this?

This is generally a function of the local health department — however, during pandemic times, other groups get involved. UVU is assisting the local health department with this obligation. When someone becomes sick on campus, we look at where they have been starting two days before they became sick with symptoms to the first few days of symptoms. We then figure out who they have been in “close contact” with. We trace where they have been on campus. We then contact people who meet the criteria of a “close exposure,” and we send them home for 14 days to quarantine. The sooner we can do this, the better chance we have of not spreading the virus to others on campus.

Can I get this virus from touching objects that are touched a lot by others?

 Theoretically yes, which is why we ask you to frequently wash your hands or use hand sanitizer and to not touch your face. Your hands would be the vehicle spreading this virus from an object to your face (e.g., mouth, nose, eyes).

What is the most common way to spread this virus?

The most common way to spread the virus is to be in the breathing space of a person who is infected. Close contact (i.e., being within six feet of an infected person for longer than 15 minutes with or without a mask) is the easiest way to spread the virus.

Scenario: If my spouse’s co-worker gets sick, should I stay home and let everyone at work know they should stay home?

 If your spouse meets the criteria of a “close contact” with their coworker, they would be exposed and would need to quarantine (i.e., stay away from all people and wait to see if they get sick). You and your coworkers do not need to quarantine unless your spouse becomes ill or tests positive.

Scenario: If my roommate tests positive for COVID-19 and we share a room and bathroom, should I quarantine?

Possibly. You would most likely meet the criteria of “close contact” due to sleeping in close quarters all night and sharing breathing space. If the room were well-ventilated (e.g., open windows, fans) with a lot of space between the beds, you may be OK. You would likely need to quarantine.

Scenario: If I have exchanged a prolonged kiss with a spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend and they have symptoms during this time, what should I do?

You have met the criteria of a close contact and would quarantine for 14 days.

Scenario: If a person I work with or know tests positive and shows symptoms of COVID-19 and I have not seen or talked with them, but I walked into their office or workspace and touched some common objects, what should I do?

Wash your hands, and don’t touch your face. It is much harder to spread the virus this way.

Scenario: If my symptoms are not that bad, is it OK to come to work if I stay away from everyone?

No, it is not OK to come to work. Please stay home. This is exactly how we are spreading the virus by thinking the precautions do not apply to us.

COVID-19 testing

How can I receive the COVID-19 Test?

Testing will continue throughout the summer semester. 9:00 am - 2 pm Monday-Friday in the Science Bld. Atrium, but you need to

Symptomatic Testing in parking lot L-10 Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.

Students currently experiencing symptoms must make an appointment for drive-thru testing. To schedule a testing appointment (only available to UVU students, faculty or staff), visit

Testing will be done using the Abbot BinaxNOW rapid antigen COVID-19 test. This test only requires an anterior nasal swab, making it more comfortable than previous COVID-19 testing. This is not an antibody test. Participants can leave at the completion of the nasal swab procedures. Results will be emailed within a couple of hours. Your results will be sent to your UVU email. The testing process should take no more than ten minutes. Testing is free and only available to UVU students, faculty, and staff. Individuals must have an active UVID and sign in to be tested. Symptoms and/or exposure are not required for testing.

Please make an appointment for all testing services. Photo identification and your university ID number are required.

If you are not a UVU student, faculty, or staff member, you may visit the Test Utah website to determine a testing location.

Is there a mandate for staff and faculty to be tested?

There is no mandate at this time, although we encourage them to be tested.

Where can I go for more information?

To sign up for testing on campus, go to

Financial assistance

What if I lost my job due to COVID-19?

Please contact the Department of Workforce Services to determine resources. You can also dial 211 to access the United Way of Utah County.

What if I can’t pay a bill or have an urgent, unexpected expense?

You may be eligible for institutional emergency funds. Visit the Financial Aid & Scholarships for more information.

You may also be interested in working with UVU’s Money Management Resource Center, which can help with managing money. Virtual appointments are available.

How do I access Financial Aid?

Schedule an appointment via website, email, or call (801) 863-8442. Students can also meet with a counselor by visiting BA 103.


Are masks required on campus?

Beginning May 24, masks will be recommended in UVU facilities. As a mask friendly campus, individuals may choose to wear a mask in any setting, however they will no longer be required. Per health guidelines, UVU may require masks and/or social distancing at large gatherings or specific events.

What is an approved face covering? Do I have to wear it in my office?

The Required Face Covering Guidelines are intended to minimize ambiguity and promote consistency across campus in complying with face-covering requirements. Refer to this guide for questions related to face coverings.

What if I am harassed, threatened, or bullied by anyone regarding mask decisions?

Report any student instances of threats, bullying, or harassment, either online or in person, to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. If you feel your safety may be in imminent danger, notify campus police immediately by calling 801-863-5555 or dialing 911.

Do you have disposable masks available?

UVU full-time employees may receive one cloth mask for free from their department supervisor. If students have questions about acquiring a face mask or alternate facial coverings, please contact UVU Wellness Programs at 801-863-7579 or [email protected].

Who do I talk to if I have questions about acquiring a face mask?

UVU Wellness Programs can answer your questions. They can be reached at 801-863-7579 or [email protected].

I have a medical condition and can’t wear a face mask. Who do I need to talk to?

Students will need to talk to the Office of Accessibility Services. They can be reached at 801-863-8747 or [email protected]. OAS will work with you to find a suitable alternative. 

I have a medical condition and can’t wear a face mask. Who do I need to talk to?

Students will need to talk to the Office of Accessibility Services. They can be reached at 801-863-8747 or [email protected]. OAS will work with you to find a suitable alternative. 

I have a medical condition and can’t wear a face mask. Who do I need to talk to?

Students will need to talk to the Office of Accessibility Services. They can be reached at 801-863-8747 or [email protected]. OAS will work with you to find a suitable alternative. 

On campus

Is UVU’s air system filtered for viruses?

UVU has a filtering system, MERV, in all large buildings. Systems vary, since some areas such as the science buildings have traditionally needed higher levels of filtration. UVU will increase air exchange rates to push the air through the filters and slightly over-pressurize the buildings to help exchange the air. Filters are changed on a rigid schedule. Even before COVID-19, UVU was changing air filters more often than recommended.

 What happens if, during the semester, the State of Utah declares an orange or red level?

If the state goes back to the red level, all classes will be held online as they were in the spring. All classes should be set up to enable that capability if it has to happen quickly or unexpectedly.

How often will our departments’ public spaces and offices be cleaned?

Departments will be responsible for cleaning their space beyond the daily cleaning Campus Services provides. Departments should consider ordering their own disinfectant and paper towels as well as requesting cleaning supplies from Campus Services. Faculty members and staff with concerns about cleanliness are to clean their own areas beyond what Campus Services provides. Administrative assistants cannot be assigned to clean individual offices or spaces occupied primarily by single individuals. If you do not feel comfortable with Custodial Services cleaning your offices, please post a note on your office door.

Working from home

Do faculty need to fill out a Work from Home Agreement?

No. Faculty members who are teaching in the spring can do so from campus or their homes, per their agreement with their departments and deans. This means they do not need to fill out the form.

Do employees need to speak with HR to request continued remote work if they believe they are high risk?

Supervisors have the authority to approve continued remote work and/or alternative work schedules through May 1, 2021 (if doing so will not disrupt the essential job functions and business need). Please fill out the Temporary Remote Work Agreement Form. If supervisors are unable to approve the request, employees can reach out to Human Resources to start an interactive process to review possible options (medical documentation is required).

What if I do not have the necessary tools (computer, software, etc.) to work from home?

This concern should be discussed with your supervisor, who can determine resources that may be temporarily provided for you to perform your work from home.

What do I do if I am not high risk but would still prefer to work from home?

Supervisors have the authority to approve continued remote work and/or alternative work schedules through May 1, 2021 (if doing so will not disrupt the essential job functions and business need). Work at home expectations should be set between the supervisor and the employee and approved through a Temporary Remote Work Agreement Form.


Food & Housing

How can I access food resources?

Please visit the UVU Food Pantry website for details.
If you have children, all area school districts have been authorized to offer free grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches for all children ages 0–18. For a list of locations, please contact your child’s school district. 

Are there community resources available to students who are facing food or housing insecurity?

Yes. Please visit the Student CARE website to access community resources or dial 211 to access the United Way of Utah County or visit their website to help support food or housing insecurity.

Can I get out of my housing contract?

In consultation with federal, state, and local officials, UVU made the determination to offer a variety of course delivery options, including face-to-face, livestreaming, and online. This was not an easy or light decision, as UVU is aware there are many affected by this decision, including students who signed housing contracts for the 2020-2021 academic year. The UVU community understands what a difficult situation this creates, but the safety and security of UVU students, faculty, and staff are of the highest importance. COVID-19 has created is unprecedented challenges. It has disrupted almost every aspect of daily life. Since UVU is not a party to the rental agreements, UVU unfortunately cannot provide legal advice or representation for students to cancel their housing contracts. We have reached out to several apartment complexes encouraging them and are hopeful the apartment managers will be willing to work with students as their living arrangements have changed. UVU apologizes for any inconvenience. The Ombuds can assist with housing issues if needed.


What is the federal CARES Act?

The federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. The act provides financial compensation and support to multiple layers of the U.S. economy, including businesses, individuals, unemployment benefits, and education.

How much money did UVU receive?

The CARES Act allocated nearly $14 billion to support colleges and universities around the country. UVU was allocated $22,949,207. The Department of Education guidelines require at least 50% of received funds be used to provide emergency cash grants for students.

Why did UVU receive these funds?

As an open-admission institution with a large population of Pell Grant-eligible students, UVU received the largest portion of the federal CARES Act funding for Utah public universities. Funds have been provided to support students who have demonstrated financial need and experienced financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How did UVU determine where to use the funds?

Immediately following the passage of the CARES Act, UVU leadership organized a task force to review legislation and make a recommendation for the delivery of the funds to students. The task force consisted of representatives from departments across campus.

I heard $11 million were allocated from CARES Act funds. Where did they go?

$7,590,850 were distributed to 7,676 students. $3,883,754 were used by UVU to move to online course offerings and make other adjustments.

If awarded, how will students be notified and receive funds?

Students will be notified via their UVU Gmail accounts. If the student has signed up for direct deposit, the funds will go to the student’s bank account. The student will otherwise receive a check.

Do students have any limitations on how they can spend the money?

Per the Department of Education, the funds should be used to address unexpected expenses related to disruptions of campus operations due to coronavirus, such as for food, housing, healthcare, technology, course materials, and childcare.

Which students have received money?

All students who received this funding had to be eligible for federal financial aid. CARES Act funds were made available to students in one of three ways:

  • Based on a student’s estimated family contribution (EFC), they were given a one-time cash grant.
  • A portion (not EFC-based but required a completed FAFSA) of federal funds were made available to students who needed access to emergency funds to help them continue their education.
  • A portion of the funds were made available to students   nearing completion of their degrees who were eligible for federal financial aid.

Course instruction

If the state is at the yellow or green level, may I choose whether I teach remotely, online, or on campus?

Yes. Faculty members who wish to teach remotely or online may do so. Their courses must be as robust as their department’s typical face-to-face (F2F) courses and provide the same learning outcomes as the F2F version of the course. Faculty members should work with the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) to make sure their courses are set up to be clear and easy to navigate for their students and themselves. There are a few types of courses faculty can teach:

  • Live remote (synchronous, livestream): Teaching remotely at the same time the class is scheduled. This can be done from a classroom at UVU or from home.
  • Online (asynchronous): Teaching where the course has no specified, regular time at which all students meet. These courses usually carry an official ”X—” designation and require OTL certification.
  • Face-to-face (including labs): These are traditional courses that can maintain social distance because current size and space allow it or faculty members teach in a quasi-hybrid style, where some students are in the classroom on certain days and learning via livestream on others.

Will offering my classes online and offline double my workload?

No. UVU has implemented transparent and easy livestreaming and recording systems to minimize faculty members’ and students’ work and frustrations. Faculty members should design fall courses to take F2F and remote/online needs into account. Assignments, course materials, etc. should be designed for faculty members and students to easily switch between remote or online and F2F systems. OTL can help faculty members find excellent all-modality pedagogies that respect workloads.

If I teach F2F, remotely, or online, am I expected to use Canvas?

Yes, Canvas is the official learning management system (LMS) of UVU. All syllabi, other course materials, assignments, due dates, and grades should be posted in Canvas. This will assist students if they have to attend from off campus and make the transition to online easier if the state of Utah moves to red level. If you have difficulties with using Canvas or unaware of how to use it, please contact OTL.

Am I required to livestream and record my courses?

Yes. Faculty members must livestream and record their classes so all registered students can have equal access to content. This will help students who are unable to come to campus because of health and other concerns. Some faculty members have been concerned about privacy and intellectual property. Only students registered for the course will have access to the course and thus have the same expected level of privacy they would have in the classroom. Faculty members retain the same IP over their recordings as they retain over their course content, generally. Further questions on IP can be answered by Eric Gardanier, UVU’s intellectual property counsel.

What technology is UVU using for course delivery?

The technology trio of Canvas, Microsoft Teams, and Kaltura Lecture Capture forms the backbone of a virtual campus that operates in concert with UVU’s physical campuses.  Over the summer, dozens of information technology (IT) and Academic IT (AIT)  staff worked tirelessly to add livestreaming and lecture capture technology to 327 classrooms. The goal was to create the best possible experience for students and faculty while a) maintaining social distancing in the physical classrooms, b) engaging remote students, and c) implementing what was feasible given time, financial, human, and other resource constraints.  For access, maintainability, and support purposes, it became clear to IT and AIT that one video conferencing tool should be adopted at UVU for fall 2020 and beyond to improve student learning and experience as well as faculty support. Therefore, Microsoft Teams will be the standard for UVU (not Zoom or Kaltura Live Room), primarily for its potential to digitally transform our university. With many added features in Teams and the classroom automation work, we believe the student learning experience has been greatly improved over what it was in spring and summer 2020.

Learn more by reading the Office of Teaching and Learning newsletter.

Will all students have access to computers to complete their courses?

Yes. The Office of IT is ordering 300 new laptops for students who do not have usable devices. These are in addition to the computers students are already borrowing. The library is currently checking out laptops, free of charge, to students so they can complete their courses. Student Affairs have allowed students without reliable internet services to request CARES funds to pay for internet access.

How can I let students know about the course setup before I publish my Canvas course?

You can publish your Canvas course at any time. If you prefer to wait to publish your course and would still like to contact students, you can reach out to students via the “email entire class” option in your Banner course listing. A short tutorial can be found here. Students who receive communication from you about your course are more likely to feel connected, understand your expectations, and plan accordingly.

What will happen to concurrent enrollment classes? Will faculty members be required to visit the high schools to conduct faculty mentoring visits?

No, faculty members are not required to visit high schools at this time. They will still need to be engaged with high school teachers using video conferencing. The Concurrent Enrollment Office can provide you specific instructions.

What will happen with live interactive classes if I am unable to teach on campus? How will they be broadcast to students?

We are currently working on a technology solution through WebEx that will satisfy the needs of our concurrent enrollment and adult students at remote sites, utilizing existing equipment and therefore causing minimum disruption. The solution will allow faculty members to teach from anywhere, whether that’s from an assigned classroom with Live Interactive technology, from their office, or from home. Classes will be livestreamed and recorded as with regular classes, and then the recording will be uploaded into Canvas for viewing by those who were not able to attend class that day.

Am I required to hold face-to-face (F2F) office hours and participate in F2F general and department meetings?

No. Academic Affairs strongly encourages faculty members to have online office hours for students at reasonable times (e.g., not after 9 p.m. for morning or afternoon courses). For any office hours on campus, faculty members should make sure their offices can be set up for social distancing. Academic Affairs strongly discourages F2F department and other F2F academic meetings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 among faculty members and staff. Instead, please consider using Microsoft Teams.

How do I move grades into Canvas (if stored outside currently)?

See the Canvas tutorials and/or contact the OTL Lab.

What are our grading options specifically by college and school?

Students no longer have the ability to choose a letter grade or credit/no credit and should be given the form of grade appropriate to the course.

What happens if I get ill and cannot teach my classes?

Regardless of the severity of your case, you must self-quarantine for two weeks. Contact HR — they will help make sure your benefits are in order and alert people with whom you’ve been in contact. Your name will not be released. All faculty members should have a back-up plan in case of severe illness (e.g., who will contact the department chair, who will take over the course or courses, etc).

What do I do if students refuse to keep an appropriate distance in class?

Seating will be assigned to encourage appropriate social distancing. Students should be encouraged to keep seats where they are.

How often will classrooms be cleaned?

Campus Services staff will continue to clean classrooms twice daily. There are approximately 600 classrooms of varying size and complexity on campus. Facilities is equipping classrooms with paper towels and disinfectant so students and faculty members can clean their own spaces if they are concerned. Further questions regarding cleaning should be directed to Campus Services.

Student involvement

Will students be able to have internships off campus?

Yes, in many cases. Please refer to the COVID-19 information on the internships website.

Will students be able to have service-learning opportunities off campus?

Yes, service-learning activities out of the Center for Social Impact are currently being developed for fall semester. While online opportunities will be preferred, there may be opportunities off campus following proper social-distancing measures. The Academic Director for Service Learning, Jon Westover, will keep faculty informed of the requirements.

Will students have access to advisors?

Yes, advisors are currently working with students in a variety of ways, including F2F (when appropriate), by phone, and online.

Will students have the option to take courses credit/no credit again?

No, there are no plans to allow students to take courses as credit/no credit unless a sudden spike causes the state of Utah to move to red level before Thanksgiving. Faculty members and students have the summer to prepare for graded courses.

What if I know of other student questions?

Visit the Fall 2020 site for student information.

What resources are available at Student Health Services?

How can I access Student Health Services (SHS)?

Please see the Student Health website for information on how to access SHS, including mental health therapists and the crisis team. SHS is not a test site or vaccination site for COVID-19. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please call SHS at 801-863-8876 rather than coming to campus. SHS will answer questions and give referrals to COVID-19 testing.

Do you have tips to help me manage my stress and anxiety related to COVID-19?

Yes. SHS has resources available to help students that are dealing with stress and anxiety related to COVID-19.

If you are experiencing emotional distress related to COVID-19, you can also call Intermountain Healthcare’s COVID-19 Emotional Health Relief Hotline at 833-442-2211. There is no cost to call, and the hotline will be staffed every day from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m.

If you are in crisis, please access the SafeUT app, which will connect you to licensed counselors who are ready to respond 24/7 at no cost. You can text, call, or submit a tip anonymously.

Here are additional resources:


Will the fall semester start as scheduled?

Yes, fall semester begins on August 23. See all semester dates and deadlines.

What if I need to drop my classes? When is the last day to drop?

The drop deadlines for spring semester are as follows:
September 2: First block classes
September 15: Full semester classes
September 20: Weekend classes
October 25: Second block classes
Check out all registration dates and deadlines on the Registrar page.

Will Fall Break be cancelled?

No, Fall Break will continue to be offered October 14-16.

How is tuition handled at UVU?

For a full explanation, visit tuition details.

How are classes being offered for the semester?

Learn about the three different modalities being offered.

How will I know how my course will be delivered?

When you register, you will see each course designated as “face-to-face,” “online,” or “livestream.” Be sure to check the delivery method for each of your courses.

Do I need specialized equipment to access my classes?

Usually no. If you have questions, please see the basic computer requirements for Canvas. We also recommend that you download the Canvas app from the UVU Canvas website.

Will I need to go to the Bookstore to buy my textbooks?

All textbook purchases have been moved online, and you can now order your textbooks via Bookmatch. Your required textbooks for classes will automatically upload so you can easily add them to your online cart for purchase.

Some courses, including labs, may be difficult to take online. How will these courses be offered?

We are making every possible effort to keep labs and certain courses as face-to-face delivery to provide the best possible mode of instruction. When you register for the course, you will see the course delivery method.

If I take an online or livestreamed course, how do I access a webcam?

You purchase a webcam online or through a number of retailers. If you cannot purchase one, webcams are now available to check out from the Fulton Library. Please go to the first floor Circulation Desk during the FL modified hours. To check out a laptop or tablet, you must provide your UVU ID and be a current undergraduate or graduate student registered for classes. This service is only available to actively enrolled students.

What’s the difference between live interactive and livestream?

Live interactive classes are held live but students join via broadcast at a UVU remote site or classroom. Livestream classes are also held live but students join from home or wherever they want.

Do I need a different login to access my online or livestreamed course?

No. You will log in to myUVU with your UVU ID and password, then click on the Canvas link.

What if I do not have a computer to participate in online classes?

If you don’t have a computer, laptop, tablet, or hot spot, laptops and tablets are now available to check out from the UVU Fulton Library. Only the student signing the agreement is allowed to pick up a laptop or tablet at checkout. Each student is limited to one laptop or tablet to check out at a time. Laptops and tablets are subject to availability.

What do I do if I don’t have access to internet at home and I’m taking an online class?

If you don’t have a reliable internet connection at home, you can use student study areas on campus or visit other places where the internet is publicly available.

What should I do if I need assistance with my computer?

Contact the UVU Service Desk for technical support. Call (801) 863-8888. Help is available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Are there resources to help me in becoming an online student?

Please visit the Office of Teaching and Learning's Being an Online Student page, which provides tips to help you adjust. You can also contact a student success specialist for additional assistance. You can also contact a student success specialist or academic tutor for additional assistance.

What should I do if I need academic accommodations due to the changes from the pandemic?

Students who need accommodations due to a disability should contact the Office of Accessibility via email at [email protected] or (801) 863-8747 located in Losee Center 312.

Examples may include needing accommodations due to hearing impairment from professors' wearing a mask, an inability to wear a face covering due a health condition, difficulty testing at home for your online class due to a disability, or concern attending face-to-face classes due to being in a high-risk category.

Campus events and resources

Are athletic events cancelled?

For the latest on UVU Athletics, visit

Are in-person clubs and student organization events cancelled for the foreseeable future?

For the latest information, visit the upcoming student events/activities website.

Are Noorda or similar performances cancelled for the foreseeable future?

For the latest information, visit The Noorda website.

Which UVU campuses are involved with the cancellation of events?

All UVU campuses.

Are private functions at UVU being cancelled?


Is the SLWC open?

Yes. Visit the Campus Recreation site for more information.

Which campus services are available?

At the yellow level, the majority of campus services are available.

Will the Fulton Library and open computers in the library remain open?

Yes, even if campus returns to online only, the library will remain open to address the needs of students and faculty. Please be aware that hours and services may be limited, so check the library’s website for the latest information.

What hours are UVU's satellite campuses open?

Lehi Campus: 
Monday and Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Thursday: 6:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed 

Wasatch Campus: 
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed 

Provo Airport Campus: 
ES Building: Closed (including UFRA)
The airport is open for flight operations including night flights. Please contact dispatcher for details. 

Canyon Park Building L: 
Monday & Friday: 6 a.m.–6 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday: 6 a.m.–10 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Open by reservation

Which dining options are open?

For information about dining options and hours, visit Dining Services

When is the Bookstore open?

The Bookstore is currently located at Center Stage during their remodel. Visit the Bookstore website for hours

Will I be able to use UTA to get to the Orem Campus?

UTA continues to offer full services to UVU students and dependents with use of the free UVU UTA Transit Pass. UVX weekday buses run approximately 7 a.m.–7 p.m. every 10 minutes.  UTA requires all riders and employees to wear face coverings system-wide until further notice.


View the Travel FAQ for information about travel guidelines.

Am I allowed to travel out of the state/country on personal travel?

We encourage you, when considering your personal travel choices, to follow travel advisories issued by the CDC and local and state authorities. Refer to the Travel FAQ for guidelines and more details.

Can I travel for business purposes?

All University-related travel is restricted and must be cancelled until further notice. As an exception to this restriction, travel considered business essential for the university must be approved by the divisional vice president prior to making travel arrangements. Please read the COVID-19 Travel Guidelines for additional details. Please contact the UVU Travel Office at [email protected] or ext. 8965 with any questions.


When will I be able to get a vaccine?

There is no current prioritization for university students, faculty, or staff. To find out when a vaccine will likely be made available to you, visit the Utah Department of Health COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution website.

Will vaccines be required?

No — however, we encourage you to consider vaccination when they become available.

Will I test positive after receiving the vaccine?

No. You will not test positive unless you have COVID-19. The non-invasive tests being performed at UVU test for infection, not antibodies.

Additional Information

What if I decline to adhere to social-distancing guidelines in the classroom?

Classroom spacing has changed to 3-feet this will remain until the county moves to a Low Transmission Level. Classroom seating will be arranged to promote social-distancing guidelines and students are encouraged to leave the seating arrangements where they are. Should you decline to adhere to social-distancing guidelines, faculty may ask you to leave the classroom and not return until you have met with the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.