Digital Signage Rules

Digital signage is reserved for university organizations for university speech. Digital Signage is maintained by Media Services.. The requirements of Policy 161 govern these guidelines. The digital signage guidelines are viewpoint-neutral, nondiscriminatory and shall not violate Policy 161. To the extent there is a difference between Policy 161 and these guidelines, Policy 161 will govern. Please refer to the content guidelines before you submit any content. Content must be submitted electronically to [email protected] minimum of three (3) business days prior to the first date the content is to be displayed on the Digital Signage system. Content submissions must include the first name, last name, and phone number of the submitter, the date the content should start running on the Digital Signage system, and the digital poster or video file as an attachment to the email. Additionally, include the banner index number so digital signage can check that the department is a university organization. The index is not charged.

Banner Signs

There are ten banner slots on the banner signs allotted as follows: 

  1. (Student Life Owner to Be Determined)
  2. (Student Life Owner to Be Determined)
  3. (Student Life Owner to Be Determined)
  4. (Student Life Owner to Be Determined)
  5. (Student Life Owner to Be Determined)
  6. (Student Life Owner to Be Determined)
  7. General Campus Ads
  8. Athletics
  9. Automated Campus Events List
  10. Marketing


  1. All Digital Signage Requests must be submitted through the UVU Clubs website, Complete the DIGITAL SIGNAGE REQUEST form with the event information and the attachment of the image to be displayed.   
  2. Each club is only permitted to display four (4) advertisements through digital signage each semester for two weeks at a time, up to the 10 slot limit.
  3. Once the 10 slot limit has been reached, we do not have the ability to post more digital signage until after the two-week time frame.
  4. Only club sponsored events and/or activities are permitted to be advertised using digital signage. An event and/or activity is classified as a club meeting, service project, fundraiser, social event, etc. that is open to the entire student body to participate.
  5. The event and/or activity TITLE must be clearly visible and stated.
  6. The DATE, TIME, and LOCATION of the event and/or activity must be clearly visible and stated.
  7. The NAME (or logo) of the club sponsoring the event/activity must be clearly visible and stated.
  8. The file must be submitted as a JPEG, no other formats will be accepted.
  9. Minimum Resolution: 1920x1080 pixels; Max Resolution: 3840 x 2160 pixels
  10. Aspect Ratio: 16:9, landscape and portrait are both accepted.
  11. A poster will only display for 10-15 seconds at a time. The amount of text and the size of text should reflect this.
  12. Requests MUST be submitted two (2) weeks in advance.

By adhering to these guidelines clubs and organizations will be able to better utilize the resource of Digital Signage. By following these guidelines each club and organization will continue to have an opportunity to be represented and publicize their events and/or activities on campus. Events and/or activities include club meetings, service projects, fundraisers, etc. that are open to the entire student body to participate. If the event is only open to club members it is not necessary for the club to utilize Digital Signage.

Commercial Speech

Commercial speech on the Digital Signage system is not permitted. See Policy 161 for more information.

Course Advertising

Department who have purchased digital signage locations can own up to 80% of the play-time on those displays.


The use of Official UVU logos and secondary marks must adhere to the UVU Branding Style Guide found at


The use of red borders on posters or videos is reserved for Emergency Communications only. Digital Signage content submitted with a red border will not be scheduled for display.

Run Time

  • An item can be displayed for a maximum of 2 Weeks.
  • A 3 day grace period should be allowed from the time the item is submitted until it will show up on the displays.  Items submitted for an event that is less than 3 days away will not be approved for display.
  • No more than 2 posters can be submitted for a single event or promotion during a 14 day period.
  • Longer run times may be available during the Summer Semester depending on the amount of content received.
  • Time limits only apply to campus wide content. Content that runs only on department-owned displays are not subject to these limits.

Digital Signage Governance

The model for the distribution of responsibilities for the digital signage system is as follows:

  • Policy 161: Free Speech
  • University Organizations: Content generation, submission and maintenance
  • Executive Infrastructure and Planning Committee (EIP) & Campus Image Committee: Approve locations for digital displays
  • Office of Information Technology (including Media services): System administration, technical implementation, automating content integration with other systems