Library Protocols

Building Use

Promotional Materials in the Library

Updated: March 22, 2023

This protocol is governed by 121 (section 4.11).

The library has jurisdiction over the placement and types of promotional materials distributed within the building. Additional campus signage information and the signage approval form can be found at

Small Signs, Posters and Flyers

A bulletin board is available on the second floor for signs, posters, and flyers that have been approved by Campus Connection or University Relations. The library is not responsible for posters removed or covered up by others. Posters will be removed and recycled by staff on the designated date. Signs taped on windows, walls, or doors will be removed and discarded.

Table Signs

Table signs may only be placed in the holders provided on Mom Fulton’s Café tables for no more than two weeks and must be scheduled through Campus Connection.


Handbills not affiliated with the library cannot be placed at the service desks, which are designated for library-related material only.  Non-library handbills can be placed by Center Stage in the Sorensen Student Center, across from UVU Campus Store. Distribution of handbills, petitions, and other written material is permissible but must not disrupt patrons and library operations, or interfere with the entrances and exits of the library and the normal flow of pedestrian traffic.

Donation Receptacles

Receptacles for collecting donations may be placed in the library only upon approval through the Campus Image Committee.

For any questions on placing promotional materials in the library, contact Lauren Tolman at 801-863-4935 or [email protected].

Family Study Room

Updated: July 15, 2024

This protocol is governed by UVU Policy 704 and UVU Policy 541

The Gibson Family Study Suite is designated for patrons with accompanying children. Library staff will ask adults without children to relocate from this space. Children must be accompanied by an adult inside the suite, and library staff will call UVU Police if a child is left unattended. Users should keep noise to a minimum and keep the rooms clean by disposing of trash and straightening up after use.

Filming and Photography

Updated:  June 13, 2022

This protocol is governed by UVU Policy 425 (section 5.11).

Requests to film or perform photo shoots in the library must be submitted to Event Services in advance for approval. Filming or photography will only be scheduled in the Lakeview and Timpanogos rooms and must not disrupt the normal operation of the library or student use of the facility. 

Instructors are required to submit scheduling requests on behalf of their students.  Organizers of unscheduled filming and photography shoots will be asked by library staff to stop filming and schedule with Event Services. 

Scheduling Meetings and Events

Updated: July 1, 2022

This protocol is governed by UVU Policy 425.

The library offers meeting spaces including seminar rooms, computer labs, study rooms, special meeting rooms, and a lecture hall. Activities should be appropriate to the setting and maintain the environment as a place of study. Rooms are intended for limited use activities and not for an ongoing basis. The library will reject activities that disrupt the environment.

Instruction Labs

Updated: April 30, 2024

This protocol is governed by UVU Policy 425.

Current UVU faculty and staff may reserve the library instruction labs. Requests must be made at least 7 days in advance. Recurring semester-length classes may not be scheduled in the instruction labs, and instructors must limit their reservations to three class sessions per section each semester. Additional sessions may be scheduled on a case-by-case basis if the lab is available the week of the session.

Instruction labs are primarily available for information literacy instruction with a librarian and for student work on research assignments. Other lab requests must be approved by the Library’s Instruction Coordinator. Upon completing a reservation request, you will receive an email indicating if the Library is able to accommodate your request.

Catered food is not permitted in the instruction labs.

Study Rooms

Updated: July 1, 2022

This protocol is governed by UVU Policy 421425322, and 541.

Fulton Library study rooms may be booked and used by UVU students, faculty, and staff. Rooms may be booked for up to four hours per day and up to six days in advance. No recurring bookings are allowed, as rooms are intended for limited use and not for ongoing, regularly scheduled meetings or classes. If the individual or group has not occupied the room within 15 minutes of their scheduled time, the entire booking is forfeit and the room can be claimed by another individual or group.

Room Who Can Schedule How to Schedule
Special Meeting rooms
  • Lecture Hall
  • Lakeview Room
  • Timpanogos Room
See UVU Policy 425
More Information
Online or
Event Services
[email protected]
Bingham Roots of Knowledge Gallery

Tours - Public, UVU Current UVU Faculty, and Staff.

Events - Current UVU Faculty and Staff (with VP approval)

Schedule a Tour/Event Online or

Event Services
[email protected]</ td>
Seminar Room
  • FL 213
  • FL 502
Current UVU Faculty and Staff Rebecca Krikava 
[email protected]
Instruction Labs
  • FL 205
  • FL 206
  • FL 207
Current UVU Faculty and Staff Online or
Karen Sturtevant 
[email protected]
Study Rooms Current UVU Students, Faculty and Staff Online or
Karen Sturtevant 
[email protected]

Patron Conduct

Patron Conduct

Updated: July 15, 2024

This protocol is governed by UVU Policy 322 and UVU Policy 541.

Library patrons play an important role in creating a welcoming environment for study and research. As such, Library patrons assume the responsibility to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Library staff will provide services to all patrons within the accepted UVU policies and library protocols. The library prohibits any activities or behaviors that create a health or security risk, damage library resources, disrupt the normal flow of library operations, or violate campus policy or state or federal law. Library staff will request the assistance of UVU Police, as needed. Library patrons who deliberately attempt to steal, deface, or damage library property will be reported to UVU Police and/or the Student Rights & Accountability office.

Disruptive Animals in the Library

Updated: July 15, 2024

This protocol is governed by UVU Policy 160.

Service animals, as defined by UVU policy, are welcome in the library. Owners must maintain control of the animal at all times and the animal must not be disruptive to normal activity. In the event of a disruptive animal, library staff may remind the patron that service animals must not be aggressive, bark, growl, or damage library property. Depending on the circumstances, library staff may invite the patron to sit elsewhere, give the patron a warning, ask the patron to leave, or call campus police to escort the patron out.

Minors and Library Computers

Updated: July 10, 2023

This protocol is governed by UVU Policy 441, UVU Policy 541, and UVU Policy 704.

Minors not currently enrolled at UVU are not allowed to use campus computers. Adults that have logged a minor into a library computer will be asked to log the minor out. UVU Police will be contacted if unattended minors are found using a library computer.

Service Protocols

Checkout Periods

Collection Development

Updated: June 4, 2022

The Collection Development Philosophy governs the selection and maintenance of Utah Valley University’s Fulton Library materials. The Fulton Library collection supports the mission of Utah Valley University, with emphasis placed on supporting the curriculum, as well as the educational, informational, and cultural needs of the students.

Responsibility for Selection

Updated: June 4, 2022

Final responsibility for selection of materials rests with librarians with the expertise and the wide view of the collection necessary for achieving balance and depth and breadth of the collection. Responsible and responsive choices about acquisitions requires the cooperation between librarians and faculty. The Fulton Library encourages and solicits the input of the faculty when making decisions on materials for acquisition. Librarians will contact the appropriate faculty members with any questions about the need for and appropriateness of any item considered for purchase.

Library patrons may suggest items for purchase using the form found on the Suggestions for Purchase page. Patrons who would like the Fulton Library to reconsider the appropriateness of an item in the collection may download the Request for Reconsideration form, complete it, and return it to the Library Director.

Selection Criteria

Updated: July 15, 2024

The Fulton Library collects materials in a variety of current, library appropriate formats including books, serials, sound and video recordings, and electronic resources. General criteria for selecting library materials include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Appearance of the title in special bibliographies
  • Authoritativeness
  • Importance of the subject matter to the collection
  • Price
  • Reputation and standing of the publisher
  • Scarcity of currently held material on the subject
  • Significance of the author or work
  • Timeliness or permanence of the material

The Fulton Library does not actively collect materials in the following formats:

  • Audio Books
  • Audio Cassettes
  • Blu-Ray
  • CD, CD-Rom
  • DVD
  • Lab Manuals
  • Mass market paperbacks
  • Non-NTSC digital formats except when unavailable in a NTSC format.
  • Pamphlets
  • Textbooks- Books intended and designed for short-term use within an academic course that may be updated regularly with new editions and may not add lasting value to the collection.
  • VHS tapes
  • Vinyl Records

The Fulton Library will add duplicate copies of items to the collection only when justified by use. The Fulton Library will consult with satellite campus administrators to provide materials that support the students and programs of each campus.

Textbook Purchasing for Library Reserve

Updated: July, 2023

This protocol is governed by UVU Policy 606.

Textbook- A book intended and designed for short-term use within an academic course that may be updated regularly with new editions and may not add lasting value to the collection.

The Fulton Library purchases using the textbook list from the UVU Bookstore.  Textbook purchases are placed on reserve for student use and bought using a designated budget. Library staff will attempt to obtain textbooks for the highest enrolled courses (four or more sections using the same book). The number of textbooks purchased each year will likely fluctuate based on factors such as book costs and availability. Per the library’s collection development protocol, acquisition funds will not be used to actively purchase textbooks. Faculty may work with their departments to place additional copies of textbooks on reserve when the titles are not within the library’s textbook reserve budget or scope of selection criteria.


Updated: June 4, 2022

In addition to the general selection criteria, the Fulton Library also considers indexing availability, predicted usage, and the availability of the publication electronically when collecting serials. The Fulton Library prefers to collect serials as part of online electronic database subscriptions.

Reconsideration of Library Resources

Updated: August 16, 2023

Utah Valley University affirms its mission to prepare lifelong learners and leaders and its policy of supporting Academic Freedom for faculty, students, staff, and administration. The Fulton Library believes these principles require free access to different points of view, and makes a conscientious effort to include material representative of the varied perspectives on an issue. To this end, the Fulton Library adheres to:

  • The principles of intellectual freedom outlined in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights
  • The Association of American Colleges' and the American Association of University Professors’ 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure
  • To the Association of College & Research Libraries’ “Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights” and “Standards for Libraries in Higher Education.”

Appearance of a resource does not mean that the Library advocates or endorses the ideas or statements found in that resource.

The Fulton Library respects the opinion of every member of the university community. The Fulton Library will consider any comments, whether positive or negative, regarding materials in the library collections.

Initial Complaint

When a patron raises a concern regarding materials held in the library collection, library staff will notify the Acquisitions and Collections Librarian. The librarian will speak to the patron regarding their concerns, and review University policy and Library protocols.

Those with further concerns may ask to meet with the appropriate subject librarian(s) and the Library Director.

Materials that have been reviewed by a review committee within the past five (5) years will not be further reviewed unless significant new information is brought.

Formal Request

In the event informal discussion does not satisfactorily answer those with collection concerns or resolve differing points of view, the Library Director will ask the complainant to complete a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form with information as to the specific nature of the complaint, including relevant portions of the item in question. Materials included in a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials will not be removed automatically from the collections. These materials will be evaluated based on the documented objections.

Reconsideration Review

All formal requests for reconsideration will be submitted to the Library Director who informs the Deputy Provost, the Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the Office of General Counsel. The Library Director will appoint a committee to evaluate the material(s) in question.

If several requests are made on related material, the Library Director will have the option of directing the requests to a single committee.

Materials that have been reviewed by a review committee within the past five (5) years will not be further reviewed unless significant new information is brought.

The Library Director will form the review committee with members drawn from the following:

  • General Counsel
  • A UVUSA student
  • Deputy Provost
  • Subject Librarian
  • Faculty member from the subject area
  • Library Director

Those with collection concerns have the right to request to appear before the review committee to state their objection(s) in person. The request must be made within four (4) weeks of receipt of the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form. If the complainant is an organization or group, one person should be selected to be the spokesperson.

The Library Director will then place the challenged material on reserve so that members of the committee may read, reread, or study it.

The review committee will reevaluate the challenged material using the following criteria:

  • Reviews, reading lists, and bibliographies
  • Collection Development Materials Selection Policies
  • Academic Standards
  • Applicable federal and state law

The review committee will make a decision within six (6) weeks of receipt of the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form.

The review committee will summarize its conclusions in a written report to the Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs who will make the final decision to take one of the following actions:

  • Removal of a resource deemed inappropriate for the collection
  • The addition of a resource to balance the collection by providing alternative views
  • A combination of the above
  • No action at all

The Library Director will send a copy of the report to the complainant.

Reconsideration Report

The Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs will inform the Library Director, the Deputy Provost, General Counsel, and the complainant of the final decision in writing. The Library Director will send a copy of the report to the complainant.

If the review committee recommends that the Fulton Library should remove the material under review, the Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs will also present the final decision to the library staff in writing.

The Administration Office of the Fulton Library will retain all documentation of the complaint for a period of five (5) years.



Updated: June 4, 2022

The Fulton Library will consider replacing lost items, and items in poor physical condition. Obsolete formats will be replaced with newer formats when possible.

Electronic Resources

Updated: June 14, 2022

The Fulton Library actively collects electronic resources. The Fulton Library considers the following additional criteria when selecting electronic resources:

  • The cost of the resource must be sustainable for the foreseeable future.
  • The resource should support remote users of the Library without requiring individual logins and passwords.
  • If the same or similar content is available in print format, the electronic product must offer the same or added value.
  • The provider of the resource must be stable and reliable.
  • The resource must be user-friendly and should not require significant staff training.
  • The information provided by the resource should be unique and not duplicate other resources.
  • The resource must meet the accessibility standards set by University policy 452 and the Accessible Technology Center.

Three additional criteria are considered when deciding on renewals:

  • Do usage statistics indicate enough use to justify the renewal?
  • Have other products emerged in the subject area that are of better quality or value?
  • Has the product been superseded or duplicated by other products?

The number of users in a multi-user license is determined by anticipated use and available funding. If sufficient user demand is demonstrated, additional licenses may be acquired.


Updated: June 4, 2022

The Fulton Library routinely withdraws obsolete, superseded, or damaged items from the collection. The Fulton Library disposes of withdrawn items in accordance with UVU Policy 246, Surplus Property

Book Binding

Updated: June 4, 2022

The purpose of binding at Utah Valley University Library is to preserve and protect the collection. The bulk of binding is for items that will be added directly to the Library per the Collection Development protocol.

Binding Criteria

The Library will bind materials at cost if it meets the following criteria:

  • The materials will be permanently added to the Library’s collection.
  • The Collection Development Librarian determines the materials will add value to the collection.
  • The Technical Services Librarian determines the material can be bound within the Library’s budget and abilities.

Out of Library Binding

UVU Library currently does not bind for other departments or the public. Any department or person wishing to bind their own materials can contact the Technical Services Librarian for information on how to do so.


Updated: June 29, 2023

This protocol is governed by Policy 135 Use of Copyrighted Materials In order to fulfill its educational mission, the Library collects, stores, exhibits, and provides access to copyrighted material. To do so the Library complies with the provisions of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976 as amended and codified in Title 17 of the United States Code.

Copyright law provides specific exceptions for libraries and educators including:

  • Section 107: Fair use
  • Section 108: Reproduction by libraries and archives
  • Section 109: Effect of transfer of particular copy or phonorecord
  • Section 110: Exemption of certain performances and displays
  • Section 117: Use in conjunction with computers and similar information systems

In interpreting fair use, the UVU Library relies on the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries published by the Association of Research Libraries and UVU's Office of General Counsel.

Professional Standards

Updated: June 29, 2023

UVU Policy

Updated: June 29, 2023

The UVU Library operates under all policies governing Utah Valley University. The following policies specifically impact daily operations in the library.

  • Academic Freedom and Information Access – Policy 444
  • Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities – Policy 152
  • Animals on Campus – Policy 160
  • Appropriate Use of Computing Facilities – Policy 441
  • Appropriateness of Expenditures – Policy 204
  • Employment Responsibilities and Standards – Policy 322
  • Fund-Raising Coordination – Policy 231
  • Minors on Campus and at University-Sponsored Events – Policy 704
  • Property and Equipment – Policy 421
  • Responsibility for Security of Computing Devices Connected to the UVU Network – Policy 447
  • Restrictions on the Use of Skateboards, Roller Blades, Roller Skates, Bicycles, Motorcycles, and Hoverboards – Policy 403
  • Scheduling Campus Facilities – Policy 425
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities Code – Policy 541
  • Use of Copyrighted Materials – Policy 135