Service-Learning Courses

Designate a Course

To officially designate a course as service-learning, please contact Dr. Jonathan Westover at [email protected]Dr. Westover will discuss appropriate course development and redesign related to the elements in the Service- Learning Quality Assessment Tool (SLQAT).

Risk Management

University policy must be followed regarding risk management. The Service-Learning Committee put together an excellent best practices document to help you. Principles of Risk Management For Service-Learning Faculty.

Activity Participation Agreement or Activity Participation Agreement for Minors forms are required for any activity off campus that is sponsored by the university, including service-learning. The faculty member giving the serving-learning assignment must obtain a signed  agreement for each student before the student begins any service-learning opportunity; please be sure that the serving-learning opportunity is accurately described in the agreement.  The faculty member is also responsible for storing these signed agreements for two years after the end of the semester.

*Please contact James Duncan, Director of Enterprise Risk Management & Claims Counsel, for questions regarding these forms.


These forms are not required, but may be helpful in establishing an agreement between the faculty, student, and community partner for a successful service-learning experience.

Student/Faculty/Agency Plan

Student Service-Learning Plan

Volunteer Service Hours Log