Student Rep: Braxton Todd


Useful Links

Student Syllabus & Department Protocol

Find answers to common questions about TMM department protocols and access to the syllabus for all TECH courses.

Student Syllabus

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

Utah Valley University offers Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) to enable students to enrich or accelerate their programs of study. CPL is inclusive and validates the prior learning of students, making education more affordable and accessible.

Credit for Prior Learning

Academic Tutoring

Academic Tutors offer support in a wide variety of degrees and programs. If you need help with your courses, drop in, and we'll help.

Academic Tutoring

Computer Labs

Smith College has over 30 labs with a variety of computer applications that are available to students. Find out more information on lab schedules and software.

Computer Labs


Find internship opportunities and how to get credit for your internship.


CET Student Resources

Here students can find more resources available through the Smith College of Engineering and Technology.

CET Student Resources


Thanks to Microsoft Imagine and the VMware Academic Program, students have access to free software through UVU's OnTheHub web store and myUVU.


Machine Shop

The Machine Shop makes various components for labs, departments, and senior capstone projects. It also provides manufacturing support that caters to the needs of the different colleges on campus

Learn More

Graduate Early

Where possible, students should enroll in 15 credits each semester. Click the link below for more information on the financial and academic benefits of completing 15 credits a semester.

Graduate Early

Student Care

We foster an inclusive environment for Wolverines to access food, housing, health, and safety.

Student Care

UVU Alumni

Resources for our wonderful alumni. Stay connected and give back while being up to date on current events within the community.

Alumni Relations

Professional Organizations


American Society of Mechanical Engineers logo

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

The organization enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines. Visit ASME

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Logo

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

World's largest organization for the advancement of technology. Provides membership services, educational and career resources and provides access to industry and professional standards. Visit IEEE

IEEE Robotics and Automation Societ Logo

Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE-RAS)

Our Mission is to foster the development and facilitate the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge in Robotics and Automation that benefits members, the profession and humanity. Visit IEE-RAS

Association for Advancing Automation Logo

Association for Advancing Automation (A3)

Robotics Industries Association (RIA) has transformed into the Association for Advancing Automation, the leading global automation trade association of the robotics, machine vision, motion control, and industrial AI industries.  Visit A3 Robotics

Portland International Center For Management Of Engineering And Technology (PICMET) logo

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)

SME helps promote the advanced manufacturing industry, and advocate for the education of their future workforce. Visit SME

Technology Management

American Society for Quality (ASQ) logo

American Society of Quality (ASQ)

ASQ is the world's leading membership organization devoted to quality. ASQ's Vision: By making quality a global priority, an organizational imperative, and a personal ethic, the American Society for Quality becomes the community for everyone who seeks quality concepts, technology, and tools to improve themselves and their world. Visit ASQ

American Society Of Safety Engineers (ASSE) logo

American Society Of Safety Engineers (ASSE)

ASSE is the largest and oldest professional safety organization. ASSE is a global organization that works to advance the technical, scientific, managerial and ethical knowledge and skills of occupational safe, health and environmental professionals, and is committed to protecting people, property, and the environment. Visit ASSE

Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) logo

Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM)

ASCM is the global leader in supply chain organizational transformation, innovation and leadership. As the largest non-profit association for supply chain, ASCM is an unbiased partner, connecting companies around the world to the newest thought leadership on all aspects of supply chain. Visit ASCM

 International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) logo

International Association For The Management Of Technology (IAMOT)

IAMOT is an international non-profit organization whose purpose is to encourage high quality research and education in the field of Management of Technology. IAMOT is a non-governmental, non-profit organization incorporated in 1992 in the State of Florida, USA. Its purpose is to encourage high quality research and education in the field of management of technology (MOT). Visit IAMOT

Portland International Center For Management Of Engineering And Technology (PICMET) logo

Portland International Center For Management Of Engineering And Technology (PICMET)

PICMET is a non-profit organization to disseminate information on technology management through an international conference. Their focus is on bringing together the experts on technology management to address the issues involved in managing current and emerging technologies. Visit PICMET

Professional Management Institute (PMI) logo

Professional Management Institute (PMI)

PMI is the leading global association for the project management profession. Since their founding in 1969, they have been at the forefront to create project management standards and techniques. Their goal is to advance the practice, science and profession of project management. Visit PMI

University Innovation Fellows

The University Innovation Fellows are a national community of students who work to ensure that their peers gain the necessary attitudes, skills, and knowledge required for them to compete in the economy of the future. To accomplish this, the Fellows advocate for lasting institutional change and create opportunities for students to engage in entrepreneurship, innovation, creativity, design thinking and venture creation at their schools. Under the direction of the Institute of Design at Stanford University, these student leaders work with their peers from colleges and universities across the country to catalyze greater levels of innovation and venture activity on their campuses. Utah Valley University was the first institution from the state of Utah chosen to sponsor University Innovation Fellows on their campus. 


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