Laurie White

Laurie White

Developer Advocate at Google

Abstract: Getting Greener and Smarter with the Cloud

“Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the cloud.”

You've probably heard a lot about the cloud and know that it's a good way to get virtual machines on demand, but there's so much more to cloud computing.  This talk will do a quick tour of some of the other tools and techniques available as a result of cloud computing, including efficiency and security of data centers, data warehousing, and how the massive datasets and computing power have impacted what we're able to do with computing. 


Laurie is a Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at Mercer University, Macon, Georgia, USA. She taught a wide variety of courses in her career, with a focus on introductory programming and programming languages. She was also involved in the Advanced Placement Computer Science program, chairing its Development Committee, and the International Collegiate Programming Contest, judging at the regional and world finals levels. She is currently a Developer Advocate at Google focused on helping faculty incorporate Cloud Computing into the classroom.  She has been a leader of the 2018, 2019, and 2020 ITiCSE Working Groups on Cloud Computing Education.


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Computing Track

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i-ETC Student Paper and Capstone Poster Awards

i-ETC will offer a number of student awards for papers/posters that are accepted and presented at the i-ETC 2020 conference.
The first author must be a student.

Student Paper Awards

First Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)

Second Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)

Third Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)

Student Poster Awards

First Poster Award
(Certificate and $300)

Second Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)

Third Poster Award
(Certificate and $100)

Student Paper Awards

First Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)

Second Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)

Third Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)

Student Poster/Paper Awards

ACI Paper/Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)

The award is sponsored by the American Concrete Institute (ACI: Intermountain Chapter)

Student Paper Awards

First Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)

Second Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)

Third Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)