Mohammad Shekaramiz

Mohammad Shekaramiz

Utah Valley University

Abstract: Compressive Sensing and its applications

In this talk, the sparse signal recovery using compressive sensing (CS) technique along with the applications will be presented. CS is a recently developed sub-sampling technique for signal acquisition and reconstruction which is more efficient than the traditional Nyquist sampling method. It provides the possibility of compressed data acquisition approaches to directly acquire just the important information of the signal of interest, without wasting the resources.


Mohammad Shekaramiz is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Utah Valley University (UVU). He earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering- statistical signal processing from Utah State University (USU) in 2018. He is on the editorial board of two journals and has served as a reviewer for several prestigious journals and conferences. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE young professionals, Golden Key International Honor Society, Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, and Honor Society of Tau Beta Pi. He was the finalist of 2019 Bill E. Robins Award for Doctoral Student Researcher of the Year at USU, and awarded the Outstanding Doctoral Student Researcher of the Year (2018-2019) from the College of Engineering of USU.


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i-ETC Student Paper and Capstone Poster Awards

i-ETC will offer a number of student awards for papers/posters that are accepted and presented at the i-ETC 2020 conference.
The first author must be a student.

Student Paper Awards

First Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)

Second Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)

Third Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)

Student Poster Awards

First Poster Award
(Certificate and $300)

Second Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)

Third Poster Award
(Certificate and $100)

Student Paper Awards

First Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)

Second Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)

Third Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)

Student Poster/Paper Awards

ACI Paper/Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)

The award is sponsored by the American Concrete Institute (ACI: Intermountain Chapter)

Student Paper Awards

First Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)

Second Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)

Third Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)