If you have a security concern, or have recieved a suspicious text or email from somone saying they are from UVU or Microsoft support you can email security@uvu.edu or contact the UVU service desk at 801-863-8888.

Today we are seeing incredible advances in AI and massive increases in attacks on corporations and individuals. Cybercrime is being fueled by a cash bonanza of billions of dollars incentivizing ever evolving attack techniques. It's important for all of us to remain informed about current cybersecurity risks and adopt practices to protect ourselves and others.

  1. Phishing's Shift from Email to Texting and Calling:
    As awareness regarding email scams increases, adversaries are pivoting to more personal mediums. Texts or calls, due to their immediacy, can lead individuals to lower their defenses.
  2. SMS and Voice Phishing (Vishing):
    Criminals are now actively leveraging SMS and phone calls. These attempts involve impersonating trusted entities, often prompting immediate action. Exercise caution when encountering unsolicited messages or calls seeking personal or financial details.
  3. Beware of Fraudulent Job Offers and Scholarships:
    Cybercriminals lure individuals with counterfeit job opportunities or scholarships, often soliciting personal details or financial details. Always vet any institution making such offers.
  4. Unauthorized Access via Stolen Passwords:
    Criminals frequently breach accounts using stolen passwords. Upon gaining access, they might alter banking details, diverting funds like paychecks or financial aid. The significance of deploying robust, unique passwords across all platforms cannot be overstated.
  5. Compromised Accounts and Extended Attacks:
    Once an account is breached, criminals often use it as a platform to send additional phishing messages. In more targeted attacks, they might deceive family members into sending money. Losing access to your account can harm not just you but numerous acquaintances, amplifying the damage.
  6. AI-assisted Scamming:
    Advanced AI tools, such as ChatGPT, enable scammers to craft messages that eliminate typical grammar or spelling red flags. A polished message's authenticity should no longer be taken at face value.
  7. VPN Services and Cybersecurity:
    Criminals use consumer VPN services, commonly promoted on platforms like YouTube, to mask their activities amid genuine end-user traffic. UVU affiliates are encouraged to utilize the UVU campus VPN for secure connections when accessing open networks or untrusted environments like hotels.
  8. Passwordless Authentication:
    UVU strongly endorses Passwordless authentication using the Microsoft Authenticator app or a YubiKey. Not only is this method safer than traditional passwords and text codes, but it's also faster and easier to use. If you need help setting up Passwordless authentication contact the UVU Service Desk.
  9. Never Share Verification Codes:
    Retain the confidentiality of unexpected verification codes. Trusted entities like UVU or Microsoft will never solicit these. Sharing them might jeopardize your account's security.