Frequently Asked Questions

Building & Operations

What are the Wee Care Center’s hours?

Wee Care hours for the 2023-2024 school year are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM.

WCC days of operation follow UVU’s academic and closure schedules and are subject to change each semester.

The WCC may also close due to severe weather or other emergencies.

What days does the Wee Care Center close?

Planned Center Closures:

  • Labor Day
  • Fall Break
  • Thanksgiving Break
  • Winter Break
  • Martin King Luther Jr. Day
  • President’s Day
  • Spring Break
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth 
  • Independence Day
  • Pioneer Day

The building is locked. How do I get access?

The Wee Care is a secured building. Parents and visitors are welcome anytime during operating hours but must check in at the front desk. Parents with a UVU ID card will be granted proximity access; parents without a UVU ID card must email and request access.

Campus Facilities will work with the Operations Manager to assist the non-student-parent in obtaining an app that will grant access to the building during business hours.


What ages does the Wee Care Center serve?

The Wee Care Center accepts children of UVU student-parents ages 6 weeks to 6 years old.

What do kids do while they are in care at the Wee Care Center?

The Wee Care Center uses The Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies which is aligned with the program’s philosophy, principles, and goals. This comprehensive curriculum is based on developmentally appropriate practices that can be modified based on:

  • Individual needs of child(ren) including special needs
  • Assessments of child(ren) and progress reports
  • Teacher input
  • Age of child(ren)
  • Cultural awareness
  • Social, emotional, cognitive, language, and physical development of child(ren)

Young children learn best through appropriate hands-on experiences and interactions with others. At Wee Care, we focus on whole-child development where children are encouraged to explore, investigate, and ask questions.

Learning to read is supported by reading children's books they enjoy. Art is open-ended, giving children the opportunity to express themselves individually as they experiment with a variety of materials. Language and math are taught in everyday conversation and through hands-on intentional play. The program takes every effort to incorporate the family language whenever possible.

How many kids does each teacher supervise at the Wee Care Center?

We maintain consistent teacher-child ratios for all activities at Wee Care, ensuring proper supervision. Ratios are adjusted minimally and temporarily in emergencies, aligning with state licensing rules.

To ensure high quality care, WCC maintains the following teacher-child ratios:

Class Teacher-Child Ratio WCC Maximum Class Size
Infants 1:4 8
Younger 1-year-olds 1:4 8
Older 1-year-olds 1:5 10
2-year-olds 1:6 12
3-year-olds 1:8 16
4 to 6-year-olds 1:10 20


Will the Wee Care Center feed my kids?

The Wee Care’s food service complies with the local health department and all staff serving food have a current food handler permits. These practices for food handling help prevent cross contamination.

Meals are prepared onsite and include breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. Fresh fruit and vegetables are provided daily. Center menus are approved by the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and are available in Center and on our website.

Children one year and older are offered meals and snacks according to the following schedule: Breakfast: 8 – 8:30 a.m. AM Snack: 10 –10:30 a.m. Lunch: 12 – 12:30 p.m. PM Snack: 3 – 3:30 p.m.

View the current semester menu

Note, the menu may change due to food availability.

During the lunch hour, there will be no dropping off or picking up of children. Staff and teachers need that time to serve and assist with family style meal service.

How does the Wee Care Center handle kids’ allergies?

If a child has food allergies that are considered a disability, WCC may be able to provide substitutions with a completed Food Beverage Substitution Request that is filled out by a medical provider. If the child doesn’t have a disability but a parent requests a substitution, the parent needs to fill out the Food and Beverage Substitution Request form. This form will be provided upon request. Once the WCC has determined we can accommodate a substitution, an allergy list is posted in the kitchen and in each classroom.

Due to allergies, outside food and drink are not allowed in the Center unless approved by WCC administration.

How does the Wee Care Center handle medications for kids?

If your child has health issues that require life saving medications during the time they are in Center. Such as EpiPens, inhalers, insulin, etc. You will need to meet with the Childcare Manager to fill out the proper paperwork before your child’s first day in Center or upon receiving the new medication.

All children are required to have sunscreen applied each day before drop-off. Sunscreen will be reapplied by WCC staff before afternoon outside time.

All topical ointments that are not prescription strength require a Topical Ointment Form (i.e., lotion, sunscreen, diaper cream, etc.).

What media does the Wee Care Center use during childcare?

The Wee Care will use technology and interactive media as a tool to promote effective learning and development by using it intentionally within the framework of developmentally appropriate practice to support learning goals established for individual children.

The WCC adheres to the following media guidelines:

  • Children under two years of age never watch TV, videos, or use computers.
  • Movies, TV shows, and computer games must be approved by WCC administration and limited to 30 minutes per week.
  • Interactively used with children in teacher-led activities to initiate conversations, use of open-ended question, and enhance curriculum.

Do kids play outside while in care at the Wee Care Center?

Active play and movement are important for every child’s growth and development. Children need a healthy balance of high-energy active play like running and climbing, as well as passive play like sitting in the sand box. Outdoor play is incorporated into the morning and afternoon daily schedule. The Wee Care schedule allows for toddlers to get 60 minutes a day. Preschoolers are allowed 120 minutes of active play. Teachers encourage children to spend 60 minutes of that time in moderate to vigorous physical activity (see daily schedules).

Children will only remain indoors to play in case of rain, severe wind, or extreme heat/cold.

What is the policy on supervising kids?

Teacher supervision means teachers can both hear and see all children in their care at all times. When children are not signed in but are physically at the Wee Care Center, parents are responsible to remain where they can both see and hear their children at all times.

What does positive guidance mean?

We guide children to develop self-control through positive techniques, emphasizing "do's," maintaining consistency, offering choices, and encouraging problem-solving. Our approach avoids physical punishment, food or rest restrictions, confinement, and harsh language, fostering a supportive environment.

What does the Wee Care Center use to clean and disinfect?

The WCC has a schedule for cleaning and disinfecting all frequently touched surfaces, toys, playground equipment, and bathrooms. Toys that are mouthed by a child are removed as soon as the child is done playing with them. These toys are cleaned before another child uses them.

All food surfaces are cleaned and sanitized before and after meals. A body fluid clean-up kit is used for accidents involving body fluids and all chemicals are kept out of reach of children.

Cleaning materials are stored in cabinets in each classroom out of reach of children.

The following cleaning materials are used during operational hours:

  • Bleach water
  • Clorox disinfecting wipes
  • Zero Ant, Roach & Fly insect killer
  • BNC-15 One-Step Disinfectant (only used when children are not present)

What does licensing and accreditation mean for the Wee Care Center?

A licensed childcare center meets the state's regulatory requirements for safety and operation. Being accredited means it has voluntarily undergone a rigorous evaluation, meeting higher standards of quality, curriculum, and staff training, providing an extra layer of assurance for parents regarding the center's commitment to excellence.

Are the materials the Wee Care Center uses non-toxic and safe for kids?

All supplies and materials used for the children at the WCC are nontoxic. All toys and materials are cleaned up prior to meal and snack times. Children and staff are not permitted to eat or drink while using art and other materials. Art supplies such as paint are used in well-ventilated areas.

Can my children take naps while in care at the Wee Care Center?

Utah State Childcare Licensing requires that all children have a designated rest period each day. This rest time will not be scheduled for more than 2 hours. Our program provides an environment with subdued lighting, minimal distractions, and low noise levels for children to rest or nap. No child is forced to nap and if they are still awake after 30 minutes, they can participate in a quiet activity such as reading a book, listening to music, or coloring.

We provide cribs for infants and cots for toddlers and older children. Each child is provided with a sheet and a blanket. Individual nap items are kept in each child’s cubby. Cots and cribs are cleaned and sanitized at the end of each day, or more often as needed. While napping, a child’s face shall NOT be covered by a blanket. Shoes must be kept on during nap time in case of an emergency.

Will the Wee Care Center staff potty train my child?

When a child is ready for potty training, teachers partner with parents to assist in the process. Pull-ups are treated like a traditional diaper. We are unable to potty train children under the age of two, and children will not be diapered in classrooms for ages 4 and older.


How do I apply for the Wee Care Center?

You must be a current UVU student to use the Wee Care Center. The Wee Care application process is done electronically, and ALL documents must be received before an application can be considered.

Registration Instructions

Parents will be notified of acceptance into the program by email after ALL application materials are received, verified, and processed. Applications are accepted on a space available basis and take up to two weeks to process.

How much does the Wee Care Center cost?

Wee Care tuition is $6.00 per hour per child.

Tuition & Fees

What financial aid or subsidization options are there to help pay for childcare at the Wee Care Center?

UVU offers childcare subsidies through the Parents in School Grant for eligible students taking six or more credit hours and who have filled out a FAFSA for the current academic year. Grant recipients pay reduced childcare tuition rates from $1.50 to $5.50 per child per hour. Grant eligibility is determined within two weeks of the semester drop deadline, with ineligible students charged the standard rate of $6.00 per child per hour.

I am a student transferring to UVU. When can I register my child at Wee Care?

The Wee Care Center typically opens registration for each semester 1-2 months before the semester begins (ex. Registration begins in November for Spring semester). You will need to submit your application before registration closes, or you will need to wait until registration opens for next semester.

I am about to graduate. Will the Wee Care Center continue caring for my child after graduation?

The Wee Care Center is only equipped to care for parents of currently enrolled student parents.

My child will be missing some of their scheduled time at the Wee Care Center. Can I receive a refund for that time?

Once a child is accepted into the program and the financial agreement is signed by the parent, then the parent is responsible to pay the full amount of that agreed-upon scheduled slot for the duration of the semester regardless of the child’s actual attendance. This is standard for childcare centers.

Does the Wee Care Center require immunizations for children in their care?

All children must be fully immunized for their age level before their first day at Wee Care to comply with state licensing requirements. As children receive additional immunizations, an updated immunization record must be submitted to WCC. If a child is not immunized, parents must provide the WCC with a waiver from the State Health Department. Disenrollment from the program may occur if child immunizations are not current. For required immunizations, see Utah’s Child Care Licensing Immunization website.

How long are the contracts for at the Wee Care Center?

Financial agreements are based on a 15-week academic calendar during spring and fall semesters. During summer semester contracts are for either 7-weeks, 14-weeks, or based on the schedules for specific programs. Parents are given credit for holidays or days the Center is closed during each semester.

Financial Agreements

If I withdraw my child from the Wee Care Center, how does billing work? 

Parents are responsible to pay for the “slot” Wee Care reserves for their child for the semester. Parents who withdraw a child from Wee Care by UVU’s Last Day to Drop are responsible to pay for the hours their child was scheduled to be in Center and will be charged the full $6.00 per hour per child rate. If a child is withdrawn after UVU’s Last Day to Drop, the parent will be financially responsible for the total childcare cost listed on the Financial Agreement. 

Can I get care for my child during finals week?

Childcare during final exams for spring and fall semesters is not included in your contract. Parents requiring childcare during final exams and need those hours to be subsidized, must submit their request before UVU’s Last Day to Drop a class for that semester. All childcare requests received for finals after this date will be charged a $6.00 an hour rate per child. Childcare requests for final exams are based on space availability and require pre-payment to reserve child(ren)’s “slot”.

Drop-in slots will be for a maximum of 3 hours. The Center will not provide food that week, however, infants will be given bottles.

Finals Week Scheduling


How does drop-off work at the Wee Care Center?

Parents are expected to arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to their scheduled drop-off time and must sign their child in using the Smartcare app (by either scanning the QR code at the front desk or using the sign-in kiosk). Parents must walk their children to the classroom and notify the teacher that they are dropping their child off. Then, parents assist their children to wash their hands. A quick goodbye hug and kiss and clear farewell from the parent, even if children cry, we find is best for both parents and children.

During lunchtime from 12 – 12:30 p.m., there are no drop-off or pick-up scheduled times. Parents are asked to wait in the lobby until 12:30 to drop off their children.

How does pick-up work at the Wee Care Center?

Parents are expected to arrive for pick-up on time. If travel between the rest of campus and the Wee Care Center is taking longer than the scheduled time, a schedule change request should be submitted. Parents are expected to notify the teacher that they are picking up their child.

Parents can sign their child out before going to the classroom to pick up their child or immediately after leaving the classroom with their child. Late pick-ups 5 minutes past the scheduled pick-up time will automatically begin to accrue a late fee at the rate of $2 per minute the parent is late picking up the child.

What happens if I am late picking my child up from the Wee Care Center?

Wee Care does not allow early drop-off or late pick-up. A $2 per minute per child fee is applied for unscheduled times. Surcharge fees are not an agreement to provide unscheduled or after-hours service. Repeated violations may lead to disenrollment.

What if I need more childcare one day to do something related to my degree here at UVU?

As of August 21, 2024, requests for extended hours beyond a child’s regularly scheduled care will no longer be available at the Wee Care Center. Parents will be directed to the NEW Drop-in Center. In the event parents require extended childcare time, parents, or their authorized pick-up people, must pick up their children on-time from the Wee Care Center and bring them to the drop-in center, depending on drop-in availability. Transportation of children from the Wee Care Center to the Drop-in Center by Wee Care staff is unavailable. 

If my child doesn’t attend one of their scheduled times, how does that work?

Parents pay for the slot their child has in our schedule for the duration of their financial agreement term regardless of their child’s actual attendance during that time. The Center does not offer refunds or time exchanges.

Each day the Center plans food and classroom activities for scheduled children. Knowing ahead of time if a child is going to be absent helps the cook prepare the proper quantities of food and provides teachers the ability to adjust classroom activities. If a child will not be attending childcare for their scheduled time, parents are asked to email or call 801-863-7266.

Can I bring my child to the Wee Care Center if they are sick?

We cannot provide care for children who are ill or have been exposed to a communicable disease.

Children should stay home when any of the following arise:

  • Child is ill enough to require one-on-one attention to be comfortable
  • They require fever-reducing medication to feel comfortable
  • Temperature is 100.3 degrees or higher.
  • With influenza or other illnesses, children shall be excluded from care until the child is without fever for 24 hours (without taking fever reducer)
  • Dry cough, shortness of breath, or fatigue
  • Rash or open sores
  • Sore throat
  • Profuse, thick yellow or green nasal discharge or discharge from the eyes or ears.
  • Vomiting (child must be free from vomiting for 24 hours to return to Center)
  • Diarrhea
  • Infectious disease diagnosis (child may return 24 hours after medication has begun)
Contact the UVU Wee Care Center

Wee Care Center


Wee Care Center

1140 South Wolverine Way, Orem, Utah 84058