Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Year Six: Policies, Regulations, & Financial Review (2023)

Standard Two: Governance, Resources, and Capacity

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NWCCU Peer Evaluation Template 

2023 NWCCU PRFR Peer Evaluation Template


Standard 2.A.1

The institution demonstrates an effective governance structure, with a board(s) or other governing body(ies) composed predominantly of members with no contractual, employment relationship, or personal financial interest with the institution. Such members shall also possess clearly defined authority, roles, and responsibilities. Institutions that are part of a complex system with multiple boards, a centralized board, or related entities shall have, with respect to such boards, written and clearly defined contractual authority, roles, and responsibilities for all entities. In addition, authority and responsibility between the system and the institution is clearly delineated in a written contract, described on its website and in its public documents, and provides the NWCCU accredited institution with sufficient autonomy to fulfill its mission.

Required Evidence for 2.A.1

Institutional governance policies and procedures

System governance policies and procedures

Multiple board governing policies and procedures
  • Not applicable, as the university has only one board, UVU’s Board of Trustees
Board’s calendar for reviewing institutional and board policies and procedures
Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation referencing governance structure

Supplemental Evidence for 2.A.1

Standard 2.A.2

The institution has an effective system of leadership, staffed by qualified administrators, with appropriate levels of authority, responsibility, and accountability who are charged with planning, organizing, and managing the institution and assessing its achievements and effectiveness.

Required Evidence for 2.A.2

 Leadership organizational chart

Curriculum vitae of executive leadership

Supplemental Evidence for 2.A.2

Standard 2.A.3

The institution employs an appropriately qualified chief executive officer with full-time responsibility to the institution. The chief executive may serve as an ex officio member of the governing board(s) but may not serve as its chair.

Required Evidence for 2.A.3

Curriculum vitae of President/CEO

Supplemental Evidence for 2.A.3

Standard 2.A.4

The institution’s decision-making structures and processes, which are documented and publicly available, must include provisions for the consideration of the views of faculty, staff, administrators, and students on matters in which each has a direct and reasonable interest.

Required Evidence for 2.A.4

Institutional governance policies and procedures

Supplemental Evidence for 2.A.4

Academic Freedom

Standard 2.B.1

Within the context of its mission and values, the institution adheres to the principles of academic freedom and independence that protect its constituencies from inappropriate internal and external influences, pressures, and harassment.

Required Evidence for 2.B.1

Supplemental Evidence for 2.B.1

Standard 2.B.2

Within the context of its mission and values, the institution defines and actively promotes an environment that supports independent thought in the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. It affirms the freedom of faculty, staff, administrators, and students to share their scholarship and reasoned conclusions with others. While the institution and individuals within the institution may hold to a particular personal, social, or religious philosophy, its constituencies are intellectually free to test and examine all knowledge and theories, thought, reason, and perspectives of truth. Individuals within the institution allow others the freedom to do the same.

Supplemental Evidence for 2.B.2

Policies and Procedures

Standard 2.C.1

The institution’s transfer-of-credit policy maintains the integrity of its programs and facilitates the efficient mobility of students desirous of the completion of their educational credits, credentials, or degrees in furtherance of their academic goals.

Required Evidence for 2.C.1

Transfer of credit policies and procedures

Supplemental Evidence for 2.C.1

Standard 2.C.2

The institution’s policies and procedures related to student rights and responsibilities should include, but not be limited to, provisions related to academic honesty, conduct, appeals, grievances, and accommodations for persons with disabilities.

Required Evidence for 2.C.2

Documentation of student’s rights and responsibilities policies and procedures for academic honesty, conduct, and appeals and grievance
Documentation of student’s rights and responsibilities policies and procedures for accommodations for persons with disabilities and appeals and grievance

Standard 2.C.3

The institution’s academic and administrative policies and procedures should include admission and placement policies that guide the enrollment of students in courses and programs through an evaluation of prerequisite knowledge, skills, and abilities to ensure a reasonable probability of student success at a level commensurate with the institution’s expectations. Such policies should also include a policy regarding continuation in and termination from its educational programs, including its appeal and re-admission policy.

Required Evidence for 2.C.3

Policies and procedures for recruiting, admitting, and placing students
Policies and procedures related to continuation and termination from educational programs including appeal process and readmission policies and procedures

Supplemental Evidence for 2.C.3

Standard 2.C.4

The institution’s policies and procedures regarding the secure retention of student records must include provisions related to confidentiality, release, and the reliable backup and retrievability of such records.

Required Evidence for 2.C.4

Policies and procedures regarding secure retention of student records

Supplemental Evidence for 2.C.4

Institutional Integrity

Standard 2.D.1

The institution represents itself clearly, accurately, and consistently through its announcements, statements, and publications. It communicates its academic intentions, programs, and services to students and to the public and demonstrates that its academic programs can be completed in a timely fashion. It regularly reviews its publications to ensure accuracy and integrity in all representations about its mission, programs, and services.

Required Evidence for 2.D.1

Policies and procedures for reviewing published materials that assures institutional integrity

Supplemental Evidence for 2.D.1

Standard 2.D.2

The institution advocates, subscribes to, and exemplifies high ethical standards in its management and operations, including in its dealings with the public, NWCCU, and external organizations, including the fair and equitable treatment of students, faculty, administrators, staff, and other stakeholders and constituencies. The institution ensures that complaints and grievances are addressed in a fair, equitable, and timely manner.

Required Evidence for 2.D.2

Policies and procedures for reviewing internal and external complaints and grievances

Supplemental Evidence for 2.D.2

Standard 2.D.3

The institution adheres to clearly defined policies that prohibit conflicts of interest on the part of members of the governing board(s), administration, faculty, and staff.

Required Evidence for 2.D.3

Policies and procedures prohibiting conflict of interests among employees and board members

Financial Resources

Standard 2.E.1

The institution utilizes relevant audit processes and regular reporting to demonstrate financial stability, including sufficient cash flow and reserves to achieve and fulfill its mission.

Required Evidence for 2.E.1

Supplemental Evidence for 2.E.1

Standard 2.E.2

Financial planning includes meaningful opportunities for participation by stakeholders and ensures appropriate available funds, realistic development of financial resources, and comprehensive risk management to ensure short term financial health and long-term financial stability and sustainability.

Required Evidence for 2.E.2

Policies and procedures for planning and monitoring of operating and capital budgets, reserves, investments, fundraising, cash management, debt management, transfers, and borrowing between funds




Sample of meeting agendas, minutes, and/or other documentation as evidence of meaningful opportunities for participation by stakeholders


Supplemental Evidence for 2.E.2

Standard 2.E.3

Financial resources are managed transparently in accordance with policies approved by the institution’s governing board(s), governance structure(s), and applicable state and federal laws.

Required Evidence for 2.E.3

Description of internal financial controls




Board approved financial policies, state financial policies, or system financial policies

Supplemental Evidence for 2.E.3

Human Resources

Standard 2.F.1

Faculty, staff, and administrators are apprised of their conditions of employment, work assignments, rights and responsibilities, and criteria and procedures for evaluation, retention, promotion, and termination.

Required Evidence for 2.F.1

Human resource policies and procedures

Policies and procedures related to teaching, scholarship, service, and artistic creation


Policies and procedures for apprising employees of working conditions, rights and responsibilities, evaluation, retention, promotion, and termination

Supplemental Evidence for 2.F.1

Standard 2.F.2

The institution provides faculty, staff, and administrators with appropriate opportunities and support for professional growth and development.

Required Evidence for 2.F.2

Supplemental Evidence for 2.F.2

Standard 2.F.3

Consistent with its mission, programs, and services, the institution employs faculty, staff, and administrators sufficient in role, number, and qualifications to achieve its organizational responsibilities, educational objectives, establish and oversee academic policies, and ensure the integrity and continuity of its academic programs.

Required Evidence for 2.F.3

Supplemental Evidence for 2.F.3

Standard 2.F.4

Faculty, staff, and administrators are evaluated regularly and systematically in alignment with institutional mission and goals, educational objectives, and policies and procedures. Evaluations are based on written criteria that are published, easily accessible, and clearly communicated. Evaluations are applied equitably, fairly, and consistently in relation to responsibilities and duties. Personnel are assessed for effectiveness and are provided feedback and encouragement for improvement.

Required Evidence for 2.F.4

Supplemental Evidence for 2.F.4

Student Support Resources

Standard 2.G.1

Consistent with the nature of its educational programs and methods of delivery, and with a particular focus on equity and closure of equity gaps in achievement, the institution creates and maintains effective learning environments with appropriate programs and services to support student learning and success.

Required Evidence for 2.G.1

Supplemental Evidence for 2.G.1

Standard 2.G.2

The institution publishes in a catalog, or provides in a manner available to students and other stakeholders, current and accurate information that includes: institutional mission; admission requirements and procedures; grading policy; information on academic programs and courses, including degree and program completion requirements, expected learning outcomes, required course sequences, and projected timelines to completion based on normal student progress and the frequency of course offerings; names, titles, degrees held, and conferring institutions for administrators and full-time faculty; rules and regulations for conduct, rights, and responsibilities; tuition, fees, and other program costs; refund policies and procedures for students who withdraw from enrollment; opportunities and requirements for financial aid; and the academic calendar.

Required Evidence for 2.G.2

Catalog that provides information regarding: 

• Institutional mission 
• Admission requirements and procedures 
• Grading policy 
• Information on academic programs and courses, including degree and program completion requirements, expected learning outcomes, required course sequences, and projected timelines to completion
• Names, titles, degrees held, and conferring institutions for administrators and full-time faculty
• Rules and regulations for conduct, rights, and responsibilities
• Tuition, fees, and other program costs
• Refund policies and procedures for students who withdraw from enrollment
• Opportunities and requirements for financial aid
• The academic calendar

Other publications that provide information regarding: 

• Institutional mission 
• Admission requirements and procedures 
• Grading policy 
• Information on academic programs and courses, including degree and program completion requirements, expected learning outcomes, required course sequences, and projected timelines to completion
• Names, titles, degrees held, and conferring institutions for administrators and full-time faculty
• Rules and regulations for conduct, rights, and responsibilities
• Tuition, fees, and other program costs
• Refund policies and procedures for students who withdraw from enrollment
• Opportunities and requirements for financial aid
• The academic calendar

Supplemental Evidence for 2.G.2

Standard 2.G.3

Publications and other written materials that describe educational programs include accurate information on national and/or state legal eligibility requirements for licensure or entry into an occupation or profession for which education and training are offered. Descriptions of unique requirements for employment and advancement in the occupation or profession shall be included in such materials.

Required Evidence for 2.G.3

Supplemental Evidence for 2.G.3

Standard 2.G.4

The institution provides an effective and accountable program of financial aid consistent with its mission, student needs, and institutional resources. Information regarding the categories of financial assistance (such as scholarships, grants, and loans) is published and made available to prospective and enrolled students.

Required Evidence for 2.G.4

Published financial aid policies and procedures including information about categories of financial assistance


Information to students regarding repayment obligations
Policies and procedures for monitoring student loan programs

Supplemental Evidence for 2.G.4

Standard 2.G.5

Students receiving financial assistance are informed of any repayment obligations. The institution regularly monitors its student loan programs and publicizes the institution’s loan default rate on its website.

Required Evidence for 2.G.5

Published financial aid policies and procedures including information about categories of financial assistance


Information to students regarding repayment obligations
Policies and procedures for monitoring student loan programs
Loan default rate published on website

Standard 2.G.6

The institution designs, maintains, and evaluates a systematic and effective program of academic advisement to support student development and success. Personnel responsible for advising students are knowledgeable of the curriculum, program and graduation requirements, and are adequately prepared to successfully fulfill their responsibilities. Advising requirements and responsibilities of advisors are defined, published, and made available to students.

Required Evidence for 2.G.6

Supplemental Evidence for 2.G.6

Standard 2.G.7

The institution maintains an effective identity verification process for students, including those enrolled in distance education courses and programs, to establish that the student enrolled in such a course or program is the same person whose achievements are evaluated and credentialed. The institution ensures that the identity verification process for distance education students protects student privacy and that students are informed, in writing at the time of enrollment, of current and projected charges associated with the identity verification process.

Required Evidence for 2.G.7

Policies and procedures for ensuring the student who registers in a distance education course and program is the same student who participates in the course and receives credit




Policies and procedures make it clear that these processes protect student privacy
Notification to students at the time of registration of any additional charges associated with verification procedures
  • Not applicable, as students are not charged additional fees since the university maintains institutionally funded contracts with Canvas by Infrastructure and Proctorio.
Academic policies and procedures for instructors to implement requirements for regular and substantive interaction in distance education courses and programs  

Supplemental Evidence for 2.G.7

Library and Information Resources

Standard 2.H.1

Consistent with its mission, the institution employs qualified personnel and provides access to library and information resources with a level of currency, depth, and breadth sufficient to support and sustain the institution’s mission, programs, and services.

Required Evidence for 2.H.1

Procedures for assessing adequacy of library collections



Library planning committee and procedures for planning and collection development
Library instruction plan; policies and procedures related to the use of the library and information resources
Library staffing information; policies and procedures that explains faculty and library partnership for assuring library and information resources are integrated into the learning process

Supplemental Evidence for 2.H.1

Physical and Technology Infrastructure

Standard 2.I.1

Consistent with its mission, the institution creates and maintains physical facilities and technology infrastructure that are accessible, safe, secure, and sufficient in quantity and quality to ensure healthful learning and working environments that support and sustain the institution’s mission, academic programs, and services.

Required Evidence for 2.I.1

Facilities master plan







Equipment replacement policies and procedures

Procedures for assessing sufficiency of physical facilities





Policies and procedures for ensuring accessible, safe, and secure facilities


Policies and procedures for the use, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste
Technology master plan and planning processes