What is a general student fee and what is it used for?

General student fees are assessed university-wide to students upon registration along with tuition as approved annually by the Utah Board of Higher Education. Revenue from general student fees is used to pay for programs, facilities and services that are determined to be essential for the enrichment and broadening of opportunities for UVU students. At UVU and at other institutions within the Utah System of Higher Education, general student fee revenues support student activities and programs, building bonds and maintenance, athletics, student health services, technology, transportation and other miscellaneous programs/services.

In accordance with UVU Policy 511 & USHE Board Policy R516, each year student fees are reviewed and authorized to meet a demonstrated need of the student body. To ensure a high level of accountability, each student fee steward or requestor is responsible for preparing a written statement and sound budgetary plan in addition to presenting to the UVUSA Student Council upon invitation.

student fees information

  How are student fees determined?  

students at whiteboard

Following the fee hearings held in late January/early February, a proposal is created by the General Student Fee Board and presented to Student Council. A recommendation from Student Council is then presented to President’s Council, UVU's Board of Trustees and then to the Utah Board of Higher Education for approval for the upcoming academic year (beginning with summer semester). Stewards and requestors are given updates throughout the process and at the conclusion a final statement of understanding and agreement is issued.

General student fees are not used to supplement budget cuts, loss of grants, loss of donations, loss of received funds from the legislature; and capital improvements for buildings that are not funded through general student fees. General student fees will not be considered for one-time fund requests; academic program development; etc. Violation in the use of student fees may result in termination, reduction, or reallocation of the fee and the current balance.

Student Fee Info    Student Fee Request Form   More Info From the Utah System of Higher Education

What do the student fees go towards? How much are they?

Building Bonds ($91.50)

Campus Recreation ($31.90)

Sorensen Center / SLWC Operations ($61.92)

Student Programs ($53.81)

Athletics ($81.06)

UTA ($6.54)


Health Services ($16.06)

Arts ($1.71)

Getting involved

There are a few ways for students to get involved in the process of what their student fees and tuition are. 

1-Contact your student senator or another student council member and share what ammenties and services are important to you. 

2-Student fee hearings are public meetings and anyone is welcome to attend. Hearings are held in SL 114 but are also streamed online. The hearing schedule for this year is below. 

3-Attend Truth in Tuition. Every year the campus President and the VP of Budgets present plans for tuition and the upcoming year. They discuss the current campus climate, what they anticipate will be allocated from the state, and if tuition will need to be adjust to ensure student needs are met. This is held during a student council meeting in SL 114 and streamed online. 


Watch Student Fee Hearings Online Live   Watch Truth in Tuition Live    Student Fee Hearing Presentation Slides    

2024 Truth in Tuition:

Watch Recording    View Slides Here

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