To schedule a topic expert for an interview, please contact Scott Trotter or Bryant Larsen.

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List expertise starting with selected letter

  • Portrait of Michael Harper

    Digital Marketing and Virtual Reality

    Expert: Michael Harper

  • Portrait of Anne Arendt

    Artificial Intelligence in Academia, Educational Change, and Open Educational Resources

    Expert: Anne Arendt

  • Portrait of Greg Jackson


    Expert: Greg Jackson

  • Portrait of Jim Godfrey

    Art & Design - School of the Arts

    Expert: Jim Godfrey

  • Portrait of Courtney Davis

    Art History and School of the Arts

    Expert: Courtney Davis

  • Portrait of Joe Jensen

    Astronomy - Space

    Expert: Joe Jensen

  • Portrait of Jane Carlson

    Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Expert: Jane Carlson

  • Portrait of Laurie Bowen

    Autism, Melisa Nellsen Center

    Expert: Laurie Bowen

  • Portrait of Don Wilson


    Expert: Don Wilson

  • Portrait of Ryan Leick


    Expert: Ryan Leick

  • Portrait of Eric Domyan

    Biotechnology - Utah Lake Algae

    Expert: Eric Domyan

  • Portrait of Colleen Hough

    Biotechnology - Utah Lake Algae

    Expert: Colleen Hough

  • Portrait of Val Peterson

    Buildings - Campus

    Expert: Val Peterson

  • Portrait of Hilary Hungerford

    Climate - Sustainability

    Expert: Hilary Hungerford

  • Portrait of Alessandro Zanazzi

    Climate - Sustainability

    Expert: Alessandro Zanazzi

  • Portrait of Maria Blevins

    Communications - Public Relations

    Expert: Maria Blevins

  • Portrait of Dave Morin

    Communications - Public Relations

    Expert: Dave Morin

  • Portrait of David Scott

    Communications - Public Relations

    Expert: David Scott

  • Portrait of Michelle Kearns

    Completion - Graduation

    Expert: Michelle Kearns

  • Portrait of Scott Paul

    Constitutional Studies

    Expert: Scott Paul

  • Portrait of Matthew Brogdon

    Constitutional Studies, American Politics, Federalism, and Political Institutions

    Expert: Matthew Brogdon

  • Portrait of Eric Humphrey

    Credit Transfer

    Expert: Eric Humphrey

  • Portrait of Basil Hamdan

    Cyber Security

    Expert: Basil Hamdan

  • Portrait of David McEntire

    Disaster Response Management - Homeland Security

    Expert: David McEntire

  • Portrait of Jeff Maxfield

    Earthquake and Disaster Relief

    Expert: Jeff Maxfield

  • Portrait of Gary Noll


    Expert: Gary Noll

  • Portrait of Cary Wasden

    Economy, U.S. and International

    Expert: Cary Wasden

  • Portrait of Krista Ruggles

    Education, Innovation

    Expert: Krista Ruggles

  • Portrait of  Crossland

    Education, Secondary

    Expert:  Crossland

  • Portrait of Jane Carlson

    Education, Special

    Expert: Jane Carlson

  • Portrait of Robin Ebmeyer

    Emergency Response

    Expert: Robin Ebmeyer

  • Portrait of Gary Noll

    Emergency Response, Firefighting and Hazardous Materials

    Expert: Gary Noll

  • Portrait of David McEntire

    Emergency Response, National and Local

    Expert: David McEntire

  • Portrait of Bradley Wardle

    Emergency Response, Utah Fire and Rescue Academy

    Expert: Bradley Wardle

  • Portrait of Amanda Bordelon

    Engineering, Civil and Environmental, Concrete Materials

    Expert: Amanda Bordelon

  • Portrait of Kelly Flanagan


    Expert: Kelly Flanagan

  • Portrait of Vance Gough


    Expert: Vance Gough

  • Portrait of Mark Seastrand


    Expert: Mark Seastrand

  • Portrait of Maria Blevins


    Expert: Maria Blevins

  • Portrait of Brian Birch

    Environmental Communication

    Expert: Brian Birch

  • Portrait of John Curl

    Ethics, Center for

    Expert: John Curl

  • Portrait of Rachel Bi

    Financial Aid

    Expert: Rachel Bi

  • Portrait of Benjamin Cummings

    Financial Planning

    Expert: Benjamin Cummings

  • Portrait of Luke Dean

    Financial Planning

    Expert: Luke Dean

  • Portrait of Craig Israelsen

    Financial Planning

    Expert: Craig Israelsen

  • Portrait of Ryan Law

    Financial Planning

    Expert: Ryan Law

  • Portrait of Hyrum Smith

    Financial Planning

    Expert: Hyrum Smith

  • Portrait of Scott Stratton

    Financial Planning

    Expert: Scott Stratton

  • Portrait of Bradley Wardle

    Financial Planning

    Expert: Bradley Wardle

  • Portrait of David Scott

    Fire and Rescue Academy, Utah

    Expert: David Scott

  • Portrait of Daniel Horns

    First Amendment, Free Speech Issues

    Expert: Daniel Horns

  • Portrait of Sue Jackson


    Expert: Sue Jackson

  • Portrait of Kate McPherson

    Health, Public and Community

    Expert: Kate McPherson

  • Portrait of Kelly Flanagan

    Honors Program

    Expert: Kelly Flanagan

  • Portrait of Tammy Clark

    Information Technologies

    Expert: Tammy Clark

  • Portrait of Bill Erb

    Innovation Academy

    Expert: Bill Erb

  • Portrait of J.C. Graham

    Mental Health Services

    Expert: J.C. Graham

  • Portrait of Richard Nance

    Mental Health Services - Suicide Prevention

    Expert: Richard Nance

  • Portrait of Ryan Vogel

    Mental Health Services, Addiction Prevention

    Expert: Ryan Vogel

  • Portrait of Maria Blevins

    National Security

    Expert: Maria Blevins

  • Portrait of Jay DeSart

    Organizational Communication

    Expert: Jay DeSart

  • Portrait of Kal Munis

    Political Science

    Expert: Kal Munis

  • Portrait of Steven Sylvester

    Political Science

    Expert: Steven Sylvester

  • Portrait of Verlan Lewis

    Political Science

    Expert: Verlan Lewis

  • Portrait of Brian Birch

    Political Science and American Political Thought

    Expert: Brian Birch

  • Portrait of Kate McPherson


    Expert: Kate McPherson

  • Portrait of Frederick White

    Roots of Knowledge

    Expert: Frederick White

  • Portrait of Daniel Fairbanks


    Expert: Daniel Fairbanks

  • Portrait of Kate McPherson


    Expert: Kate McPherson

  • Portrait of Dale Jolley


    Expert: Dale Jolley

  • Portrait of Dave Morin


    Expert: Dave Morin

  • Portrait of Jan Bentley

    Social Media

    Expert: Jan Bentley

  • Portrait of Brandon Amacher

    Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems

    Expert: Brandon Amacher

  • Portrait of Brandon Amacher

    Artificial Intelligence

    Expert: Brandon Amacher

  • Portrait of Brandon Amacher

    Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare, Intellectual Property Theft

    Expert: Brandon Amacher

  • Portrait of Jonathan Rudd

    Quantum Information Sciences

    Expert: Jonathan Rudd

  • Portrait of Jonathan Rudd

    Crime - Financial, Organized, Public Corruption, Cybercrime

    Expert: Jonathan Rudd

  • Portrait of Jonathan Rudd

    Terrorism - Domestic and International, Counterintelligence

    Expert: Jonathan Rudd

  • Portrait of Marcy Hehnly

    Intellectual Property Rights

    Expert: Marcy Hehnly

  • Portrait of John McCombs

    Criminal and Juvenile Justice

    Expert: John McCombs

  • Portrait of  

    Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, UVU Police Academy
